Chapter 34

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I open my eyes, feeling lighter; I sit up, the pain in my head remains, but it's not as bad as before. Looking around, I see Hulk in his Armor; he looks down at me, "Sun Girl Stay, Heal. Hulk train."

I nod, "Ok."

Turning my head, I see Thor standing next to the window; he turns his head to me, "Sol! You're awake!"

He rushes over to me as Hulk leaves with someone called Angry girl. "What happened? How did you get here?"

"Well, when I woke up, I was in a Brothel. I had to put this on, so we could go to the grandmaster's party. I found...your brother...we got in a fight, and I told him to leave. I've been sick since I got here, I can't use my magic, but Hulk found me and helped me get better. We can't stay here; we need to return to Asgard."

He nods, "The Quinjet Hulk used to get here is down there, but I can't leave. Heimdall is providing refuge for the people; he's protecting them."

I nod, "That's what he's been doing."

"You knew of this?"

I shake my head, "No, but I took notice of him disappearing for long periods of time. I told him he might continue because I trust him; I'm glad I did. If Loki had found out, he would have been sent to trial."

My head begins to hurt again; placing my hand on my head, Thor places his hand on my shoulder. "You're still in pain; rest, you'll need all your strength."

Nodding, I lay back on the bed, curling into myself as I drift to sleep. 


I was floating in space, looking around, I find myself surrounded by the stones. The stones, Thor failed to find, the stones that I seemed to be connected to. I heard their whispers, their power.

"What are you trying to show me?"

They begin to glow, making my head burn; keeping my eyes open, I watch as a large purple man appears before me. I watched as he placed the last stone in his golden gauntlet. As the planets that fell in line behind him, snapping his fingers and everything begins to crumble.

He vanishes as the people I know and love begin to turn into dust. "No."

"No, stop it! Bring them back!"

I feel something beneath my feet; looking down, I find myself standing on a mountain of dead bodies.

"What, no."

Someone grabs my ankle I look down at Loki's blue face, at his dead eyes, "Run! Go!"


I close my eyes, clinching my head as the pain doesn't stop. "This can't happen! This can't!"

They circle me, wrapping around my body, "What do you want from me? What do you want me to..."

I hear someone whisper my name, "Sol."

I turn my head to see the gods, "He's coming. He's coming! HE'S COMING!"

They push me over the edge; I fall, reaching out for them; the heat of the flames below consume me as I fall into hell, as I fall into Ragnarok.


Dream Over

Opening my eyes, I look up to see Hulk and Thor looking down at me. Catching my breath, I look at Thor; seeing his chip gone, I slip out of bed. Ignoring the pain growing in my head, "Let's go."

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