Chapter 24

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Screaming in pain, she gets shot back as the devices explode. A figure appeared before them, looking around confused, ready to attack Thor; he lunges at him, only for Thor to toss him through the glass wall. Stopping himself from flying out the window, he looks down at the city.

Sol begins to feel it again, the pull, the feeling. Marks of lightning edge all over her skin, Thor feels a pang of guilt watching her move towards the newly born being.  Stalking over to the red character, he turns his head, tilting at the sight of a woman floating before him. The others call out her name, but she nor the life form hear a thing.

Touching the crystal on his head, her world is turned to nothing but light. Opening her eyes, she found the yellow ball of energy before her. Reaching out for it, she touches it without hesitation. The warm feeling spreads throughout her body, making her muscles ease and relax. The scars that showed the lighting marked by Thor blending with her skin fading away. 

Unfamiliar voices mask out the silence, all different languages, different beings, different tongues across the galaxy. She heard it all; she heard every last bit with ease. 

Hearing the others call out her name, she turns around. All the people she cared for, their voices were so soft, so warm, so loud. Turning away from the ball of light, the mind stone, it follows her swarming her like a firefly. Laughing a bit, she parts with it, leaving it and its wonders behind.

Opening her eyes, she gasps, drawing her hand back, she lands on the ground softly. "What happened?"

Looking at the others confused, she looks up, shocked at the sight of the red being. Watching as he shifts his appearance, he lowers himself on the ground. Seeing the dark-skinned woman, he helps her up before looking at the others.

"I am sorry. That was odd."

He looks at Thor, "Thank you."

Giving himself a cape, Tony steps forward, looking at us with caution. "Thor, you made this?"

"I had a vision, a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that."

He points at the gem; Baner steps forward, "What's the gem?"

"It's the mind stone. It's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

"Oh, so the thing Ms. Sunny over here just touched."

Sol looks at him confused, "I did what!?"

She speaks to Thor, "Why would you bring-"

He cuts me off, "Because Stark is right."

Baner rolls his eyes, "Oh, it's definitely the end times."

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron."

The being steps forward, "Not alone."

Steve does the same, "Why does your Vision sound like Jarvis?"

Tony looks shocked by all of this, "We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new."

Rogers is on guard, "I think I had my fill of new."

Vison looks around, "You think I'm a child of Ultron."

Steve looks doubtful, "You're not?"

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis; I am."

Wanda walks over to him, "I looked in your head and saw annihilation."

"Look again."

Clint laughs, "Her seal of approval means jack to me."

Looking at the being, Sol looks through his head, not even meaning to in the first place. Wondering in his mind she finds, everything, knowledge, civilization, understanding, life. It was as if he was a newborn, but he understood the terrors of this world and saw the fundamental roots of how, why, and what could be.

Fate (Loki x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن