Chapter 41

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Month 2

It's been a little over a week since we returned to Earth, Thor has decided to stay, and the others have continued their journey and plan on returning for the birth. With Thor and Loki around, I found myself less stressed about the upcoming addition to the family. 

The news spread like wildfire, and everyone is ecstatic. Gifts have begun to accumulate along with the bump on my belly. Seeing it form warms my heart and grew the habit of me rubbing it whenever I can. It's still difficult to keep my food down, but Loki's been by my side through it all, supporting me through my shifting body.

I found myself talking to the baby, humming the sweet lullaby that wondered in my dreams. I constantly express my love and how the universe will be waiting patiently. 

Month 3

Loki's pissing me off; all his constant hovering has led me to throw fits of pure rage. To give you more context for my situation, I've started to exercise and take long walks. Nothing too bad; I'm trying to work my way up gradually. I don't want to sit around and be treated like a glass doll. 

I've already fussed Loki out several times, but today he had the audacity to lecture me! Me! He said I was doing too much and I shouldn't move around; if Thor wasn't there to hold me back, I would have torn him apart. Besides my large fits of rage, I've been indulging myself with my odd cravings. 

It would always awaken in the middle of the night, but I never wake Loki up. As angry as I get, I know he means well, and he's worried for our safety, so I let him sleep throughout the nights. This led me to go on ventures in the kitchen, mixing random concoctions that are directed by my sense of smell. I just hope he'll give me some space, that he'll listen to my pleads and let me be.

Month 4

14 times.

I've pounced on Loki 14 times, and each time he's fulfilled my desires and taken me with no mercy. Each time was better than the last, leaving me wanting more and more. At first, it was hard for him to adjust, but now I don't even have to say a word, and he would drag me off to fulfill my needs. 

He's seemed to pick up more books on pregnancy's, relying more on Asgardian literature than Shi'ar since they produce my releasing an egg in the early stages of pregnancy. He's grown more patient with me and taking more consideration of my words, and giving me the space I currently wish to not have. 

Along with this, I've started to feel the baby moving, it's been subtle, but every time Loki's missed the joyous occasion. He's begun to feel down and doubtful that our child will care for him, but I reassure him every time. I know how excited he is, and I know that our child will adore him.

Month 5

I feel like a fucking boat.

My walks have become harder, and I feel like someone stuffed me with eight balloons. Why the hell is the baby so big, and why is it so hungry. One minute I eat something, then the next I feel like I haven't eaten in years. Even Thors pointed out my appetite matching even his.

His words were, "Sister, your eating more than me!"

He couldn't escape my wrath; I didn't even have to hold out my hand as his ax was aimed at his head. He tried to escape, but the countless knives at my disposal never stopped following him. If it wasn't for Loki's soothing whispers and gentle touches, he would have been an only child.

He's apologized, but I forgot his words, and why I was really angry, Loki explained how it was pregnancy brain and that it will pass. He always seems to calm my nerves; on all the gods and goddesses, I love him.

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