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On January 1st, Skadi was born; on that day, the snowstorm that once was came to an at her soft cries. As soon as it came to a halt, her blue skin faded into a beautiful almond, with gorgeous green eyes that rivaled the emeralds that rested beneath the earth. Everyone rejoiced at her birth, including the deities who cheered for the small family's new addition.

As already known by Sol, Skadi was a daddy's girl to the bone. From her early stages, she craved his love and affection. Loki didn't mind one bit, indulging her with the love he wishes he got from Odin all those years ago. 

As she grew, she followed in her father's footsteps. Carrying his mischievous actions while holding her mother's golden heart. She was a perfect combination of the two with the beauty to match. Watching her grow, he could already tell the boys would chase after her, with her long black bouncy curls, almond skin, and beautiful smile. Lucky for him, he wouldn't be alone as Thor, and any other man in her family grew protective of her as soon as she could walk on two feet. By the age of 4, she already grew skilled in magic, priding herself in her many illusions and projection that excelled far better than Loki at his age. 

Along with that, she's already begun speaking with the many deities that roamed the sky, enjoying their company with her mother and expanding her knowledge with their teachings. Not even a year later, a new addition joined the family, a beautiful baby boy with blue and purple skin.

Born on the 1st of September on a warm summer night, he was still. As soon as he was free from the condiment of his mother, he squirmed around, looking for something to grab, which happened to be his mother's finger. It was love at first sight as he grew attracted to her. His eyes glowed a bright white that lit up the whole room; his skin was soft as the marking of the Jötunn rested on his multicolored body. 

Máni's skin shifted at the light of the moon; that's how he got his name. With dark brown skin and curly black hair, his right eye was a vibrant green while his left was a soft brown. He grew attached to his mother, following her around and only leaving her side to hold his father and to play with his sister. The two became inseparable, Skadi's bright personality contrasted with Máni's, but they remained stuck together like glue. 

Little to their knowledge, it made Loki and Thor proud, happy that their bond was strong, and hoped it would remain that way for the end of time. Fours years pass, and while Skadi continues to flourish with her training Máni begins to excel in his own right, gaining the many powers of both Loki and Sol.

Some days you would find Skadi running off to the mountains in her little blue form playing in the snow. Or Máni talking to the moon on the roof of his home as the waves calm at his soothing words. Both parents were proud of them nonetheless and wished only for the best as they raised them side by side.


Walking with a thick book in hand, I hear the pitter-patter of steps coming my way. "Mama!"

I turn my head to see my four-year-old son running over to me with a bright smile on his face. I look down at him, sending him a bright smile, "My son."

He bounces a bit, showing me the book in hand, "Look what I read! Did you know Valkyrie ride on pegasus! They have big white wings like this! See!"

I chuckle a bit, "Yes, I see."

"Do you think I'll be able to see one!"

I nod my head, "One day, my son, now come along; it's almost time for lunch. We have to fetch your Father and Sister."

He nods, marking the book before walking by my side. He spoke to me the whole way, telling me of all he learned. It always brightened my day to see him so happy, listening to every word I add on some information, filling in the missing gaps. 

As we walk through the field, I look ahead to see Skadi and Loki sparing with their daggers. While she's far better with the bow, she's favored the dagger-like her father. Seeing the smile on their faces, I smile as she pins him down, only for it to be a mere illusion. Thinking he got her, he finds himself shocked as the feeling of the dagger touches his back.

He laughs, ruffling her hair, "That's my Little Snowflake."

Giving her a proud smile, she gives her a joyful smile before noticing us. Rushing over to us, she jumps on me, making me spin her around. Showering her with kisses, I let her go before she pounces on her brother in pure excitement. 

He laughs, pushing her off before chasing after her in delight. Feeling strong arms wrap around my waist, Loki places a deep kiss on my lips; I let my hand rest on the back of his neck. Parting, he smiles at me before resting his forehead on mine. 

He whispers softly, "I missed you."

I chuckle, "I wasn't far."

He lifts me up, making me giggle, before planting kisses along my skin. "Loki!"

Smiling down at him, he does the same as I whisper, "I missed you too."

All of a sudden, I find myself on the ground, hearing fits of giggles; I look up to see Skadi and Máni smiling down at us. Loki chuckles, "Oh, I'm going to get you two!"

They scream in delight before running away; Loki shoots up, chasing after them. Laughing at the sight, I follow them, watching as they trick the god of mischief himself. Jumping him with the many illusions they conjured up. I could feel the pride radiating off of him. Walking over to the three, I pick up the two out of the swarm. 

"Alright, you two, race home and start setting the table. I bet Uncle Thor is already there waiting~."

"Uncle Thor!"

They race down the hill, laughing and smiling all the way down. Watching the two go, I feel Loki wrap his arm around me; I lean my head on his chest. If this was my fate all along, I'm glad the dark days came for the light to seep through again. 

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