Chapter 35

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Over and over again, she saw them die, as the gods beg her to die. She speaks up, remembering the people of Asgard, that the world outside needs her. "I will perish when my time has come, and I know it's near, but let me return to them. I still have a duty to the people of Asgard. I need to fight. Please let me go, and when it's over, you can have me. You can start the inevitable."

Staring at them, K'ythri and Sharra place their hand on her head. Awakening her, allowing her desire to be met and her pain to fade.

Dream Over

Opening her eyes, she sits up, feeling her magic surge through her body. Looking at Banner and Valkyrie, looking at them, she sores through the sky. Seeing the clutter of people, she looks down to find Heimdall leading the people.

Shifting her attire to her Asgardian armor, landing next to him, and smile smiles, "You've done well."

He smiles at me, "That's an honor coming from you, my Queen."

Chuckling at his words, she could feel her power draining slowly. Rushing to the bridge, they saw a large black wolf coming their way. Stopping in front of them, they turn only to see an army on the other side. While Valkyrie takes the sky, Heimdall and Sol stand side by side, running to the army of the dead to protect the people. 

Blasting them, she releases her magic as the wolf runs towards them, only to be stopped by Banner falling from the sky. The Hulk transforms, taking on the wolf on his own. Fighting the army, alongside her people, they see a ship come into view. 

"Your savior is here!"

Seeing Loki come into view, the people of Asgard start to flood the ship. Sol looks at the black-haired man, "Loki."

The pain in her voice spoke volumes, but that didn't stop him from smiling sadly, "My love."

Standing by her side, with Heimdall and the other prisoners from the wasteland planet, they continue to fight. Thunder and lightning rained from the sky. Smirking, they watch as Thor emerges like a bolt of lighting. Releasing her magic, Rain falls from the sky as the ocean roars beneath them.

Fighting through the fray, Sol looks at the people, "Hurry!"

Seeing the Goddess of Death before them, not knowing what to do, it becomes clear to Thor. 

"Asgard is not a place; it's people. It was never about ending Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault."

He looks at Loki, "It's the only way."

Loki nods, running off; Valkyrie, Thor, and Sol take on Hela. The ship begins to fly only for Hela to send a spear of darkness to hold it down. Sol runs over to break it, watching as they fall; a man jumps down with guns in his hand; she breaks the last of the black spikes letting the ship fly off. The man who wished to die guns blazing died fighting for the people, but it wasn't enough, as Hela knocks Sol down. This doesn't stop her as she stands, helping the two break the bridge down in hopes of slowing Hela down. 

Looking at the crumbling palace, flames of rage and lava shoot out of it, spreading across the city, her heartaches, "Loki."

Then Hulk picks us up, shooting us off to the ship. Watching it fall before her eyes, tears stream down her eyes. No amount of anger could smother the love she feels for Loki, and now he's not with her. 

Calling out his name through his mind, she hears nothing at all. As his magic fades and begins to eat her away, she stumbles to the nearest room. The people of Asgard watches her, bowing their head to the one they still see and call their Queen. Steeping aside, they clear a path for her, showing her nothing but respect to one of their saviors. 

Walking to the room, she opens the door, laying on the bed as the pain washed over her sweating body. Laying alone, she cries, wishing Loki was here with her. Wishing she wasn't alone. 

Feeling a cold hand on hers, a voice speaks up softly, "I'm here."

Seeing his blue hand in her brown, she smiles a bit; he holds her close, whispering in her ear, pleading for forgiveness. Squeezing his hand, she fought to stay awake, wanting each moment before she would have to leave his side again.

His words expressed so much sorrow as his eyes watered. She whips his tear away, "It's ok, I forgive you. But if you lie to me again, I'll be ending your bloodline."

She chuckles at his paled face, watching as he relaxes and places his lips on her hand gently.

 Hearing a knock on the door, Thor makes his presence known. Loki looks down at the sickly girl, "I'll be right back."

Watching him walk away, she reaches out for him as he disappears from her sight. As soon as the door closed, she fell into a soft slumber, feeling the life she clings onto coming to its end. Sleeping, for who knows how long, whispers rage through her mind.

"He's here."

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