Chapter 31

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I woke up abruptly, I don't know how much time has passed, but my legs were in so much pain I bite my tongue to hold in my screams. Looking around, I see everyone in their own cell, then at the cameras, only to look away; I look up at Wanda, "Are you ok?"

She nods, "I'm ok."

I notice us sharing identical binds on our necks. While she was in a start jacket, my arms and legs were littered with the small electrical device set to electrocute me. Tony steps in, trying to get intel, taking down the camera for a few seconds, he asks Sam for Steve's location, and Sam delivers. Walking to me, he looks down with saddened eyes, "I'm sorry."

I look away, "I know."


Watching him walk away and leave them behind, she takes a quick breath. Grabbing the disk on her neck, she begins to pull, screaming out in pain as the electricity shoots through her. The others call out her name, telling her to stop, but she doesn't; she has to get them out, she has to get out. Tears run down her cheek as she breaks it into pieces. Electricity continues to shoot through her body as she broke the disk that littered her body. Her screams never died; her pain never faltered. It was becoming difficult for her body to keep up with such conditions, but it managed to the best of its ability. The soldiers began to pour in, ready to shoot if she didn't follow their commands. 


Watching her with tear-stained cheeks and a hoarse voice from her screams, a chill goes down their spine at the sight in front of them. Looking at them, she continues to break each one going all the way up her legs and arms until there were none left.  "You won't shoot. They want to experiment on me, hard to do that when I'm dead."

She chuckles darkly, letting her head lean on the wall. Seeing as her legs were bleeding out from the bullet holes that pierced it, she began to release her magic, watching as they get knocked back to the floor, unconscious and all. Opening a portal, she lands in the middle of circling prisons. Her ears ring; she didn't hear the others calling her name, telling her to stop. They saw the blood leaking out of her; they saw how weak she was. They knew that if she kept going, they could lose her. 

But she kept pushing. 

Placing her hand on the door, she seals the middle of it using her magic, molding the metal together. Taking a break, she holds out her hand, concentrating on each portal that formed. They could hear the banging on the sealed door behind her; the others stared at her in awe. 

She looks up to them, "You're free; each portal will bring you somewhere safe. They won't come after you; I'll make sure of it. Now go."

Flicking her wrist, magic surrounds Wanda as it deactivates her collar and loosens her wrappings. This made the brown-skinned girl even weaker as blood dripped from the corner of her lip. 

Wanda stands, mouthing a small thank you before going through. Sam nods his head as a sign of respect before doing the same. Giving there thank you's and goodbyes, the rest go leaving her alone. Smiling, she releasing waves of energy once last time, the place shakes. The rain outside fell harder by the second, loud enough that even the ones inside could hear it. The waves surrounded the prison, trying to swallow and cave the whole prison in, slowly piercing and bruising the metal outside. She looks at the camera, "Follow them, and die."

Shooting at it, she takes a small break, hoping they would be safe, hoping that the ones she cared about won't be targeted. That's all she can do because she didn't plan on coming back for a long time. Another tear falls at the thought of the family she would be leaving behind, the friends that would be don't he run, the battles she faced, and the places she went on this planet. Opening a portal beneath her, she falls in, landing in the middle of the Asgardian hallway. As the pain sets, a guard takes notice, rushing down to help her as she fell out of consciousness. 


Waking up, I feel someone holding my hand, the pain in my body has subsided, but I could feel the sting going through my legs. Turning my head, I see Loki looking into my eyes with complete worry. I could see they were red and puffy, showing me that he's been crying. I try to speak up, cheerfully but my horse voice ruins that happening at all.


"Sol," his eyes water, pulling me close as he wraps his arms around me gently. 

"What happened? Why did you appear bloody and bruised! Who hurt you!"

Pulling me away, he looks at me, full of worry and remorse. So I tell him every last detail, every last battle, and what I did and how I am now. He listens to every horse word; I watch as his anger grew with each one. I saw the fire, the fire that was burned out to destroy the world I once called home. 

l grip his hand, but he ignores me as he stands furiously, "I'll burn that planet to the ground! There won't be a living thing left."


"They shot you, they electrocuted, and chained you like a dog!"


"After you risked your life to save them countless times!"


"They hurt you, and for that, they will pay! ALL OF THEM!"


He turns to me, finally having his attention; I hold up my arms, trying to swallow the bundle of blood threatening to rise. Walking over to me, I pull him close softly, feeling comfort from his cold touch. "You will do no such thing; I chose to fight. This was the consequences."

"You won't stop me."

"Yes, I will."

"Why? Why do you still defend them? Fight for them! You put your life not the line to save others, and this is what they do. Use you, shoot you while you're vulnerable, and wish to use you for the power they wish they had."

I chuckle at his words, feeling a sense of irony that it's coming out from his mouth with his past. "And I don't plan on returning anytime soon; if I go back, they'll go after me. I trust the remaining agents that work under Shield to protect my family. I told them if they go after them, any of them, I'd end them. I plan to keep that promise. Now please, lay with me. I missed you."

Looking at him, I watch as he calms down; he could see the pain in my eyes, in my voice, so he scoots next to me; I smile, wrapping my arms around him. Moving my legs, my face scrunches up in pain; seeing this, he takes off his close, making my cheeks heat. He does the same to me, leaving me bare and exposed to the warm air.

 He doesn't mind the bandages on my legs or the bruises that are healing slowly. Holding me close, he tangles his legs with mine. I watch him move comfortably as his skin turns blue; smiling, I look into his red eyes, holding him close as the pain eases throughout my body.

I whisper softly, "I love you so much."

Feeling him relax, his lips touch my forehead, I feel safe, relaxed, at home. He whispers softly, "I love you so much more."

Closing my eyes, I drift back into a peaceful sleep, enjoying every moment of calm. 


The peace died in a matter of days; while Sol was bedridden, resting her healing wounds, Loki shielded her from the horrors accruing outside the bright room. Assassins, unknown to them, were controlled under Thanos, killed the Queen leaving Odin in a long slumber as he grieved alone.

In this time, stricken by his own grief, Loki saw through Odin's lies of kinship and his plans for the royal throne. He hoped Odin would have had a change of heart, that he would rule over the throne since Thor turned it away. Only for his true plan to be presented towards the god. He wished to use Loki to advise Thor, hoping he would change his mind under the right persuasion. 

In fits of anger and sorrow, he sent Odin to earth, sending him to a retirement home powerless and static, telling the people of Asgard that his death soon followed Frigga's. When the new morning rose, Loki was there to tell Sol the news of their death. She grieved, in pain of Frigga's passing and the fact Loki had to face it alone while she was stuck in bed. 

It stung that he lied to the one he loved, but he figured she would never find out, that she would never know. He never thought of the pain it would bring her when she did, of the trust they built from the first day they built to be tainted. But who would worry about that when there a King?

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