Chapter 17

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Staring at Loki, I stand tall, not breaking eye contact. Gripping the dagger in my hand, he smirks, making me rush over to him. Pulling up my knife, I attack, only for him to block.

Using his dual daggers to block my own, I smile as I grab his arm to flip him. He quickly regains his balance as he pulls me along with him. Going back and forth, we fight for dominance in the form of battle. Enjoying every moment of it, I feel a rush go through me as his knife rests on my neck.

"Ah, ah, ah, I think I won this round."

I smirk, "Did you really?"

Pressing my blade against his manhood, the color drains from his face as he releases me. Laughing a bit, I pick up the bottle of water and hand it to him. It's been a month and some change since Loki came to Earth with me.

The others still haven't warmed up to him, but we don't mind. Following the beat of our own drum and living our lives as normal. To start off, Loki used some of his magic to decorate the room a bit. With silk sheets, filled bookshelves with and golden designs with his signature green and my white, it's quickly become ours. 

Some days we would leave the tower and go to the variety of locations around the world to practice magic, read or just get away from the glares of the others. Picking up illusion magic, I've been become quite skilled, which has aided us in the little pranks and missions that take place from time to time.

Due to the bracelet on Loki's wrist, he's been allowed to stay at the tower on his own. It took a lot of convincing, but they allowed it after an hour of arguing.

Walking over to the kitchen with Loki, looking through the fridge, I pull out some ingredients for a sandwich. Looking over, I see Loki munching on the mocha cookies I made with him last night. I can't help but find his raging sweet tooth adorable. 

Hearing the whispers of the gods that protect me up above, I stop in my tracts and smile a bit, "The convergence, it's here."

Loki looks up at me, "I haven't heard that in a long time."

"You don't seem excited."

"Why should I? It's going to happen again."

Chuckling, I roll my eyes, "Oh come on, it's exciting, the lines blur between the planets, and everything becomes on; II think it's nice." Everything was peaceful until the whispers grew louder and louder. Listening to their words, I clench my head. Flashes go through my head; they seemed like memories, like visions. I saw his dead face, his lifeless body, faint blue in his skin.


Seeing Loki's dead body in the sand, I hold his hand tightly, wishing this was a dream, wishing to wake up. Hearing someone call my name, I look over to see Loki by my side.

As the whispers die down, I hear one last word that makes my blood run dry, "We need to get to Asgard, now."

Leaving a note, I open a portal; Loki snaps his fingers, returning him to his Asgardian clothing and I in a leather Asgardian battle gear. Noticing the change in the outfit with the white cape, I turn to Loki, who gives me a playful shrug. Going through, we find ourselves in the middle of the hallway; hearing shooting outside, we turn to see long black ships plaguing the sky. I look at Loki, "You take the left, I take the right."

Nodding, I run down the hall, noticing a golden forcefeild rise around the palace; it doesn't stay up long. I watch as it slowly goes down; cursing under my breath, I feel the ground shake. Seeing odd creatures with pointed ears, I blast them, watching them fall. Getting a closer look, I tilt my head, "Are these elves?"

I continue forward, blasting the elves that litter the halls.

Hearing the sound of swords clashing, I rush over. Seeing a beast of dark rock holding Frigga by the neck, I cry out. "NO!"

Blasting him, I watch as the ray of light hits his side, he drops her. Rushing over, I push her behind me, with the only thought to protect her in my mind. Seeing his cracked side, I frown, only to notice a pale man trying to touch a girl, only for her to disappear. 

Angry at Frigga, he walks over to us with the monster. Blasting them both, the ray of light hits the elf's face. The monster shields him and jumps off the balcony, watching them fall; a ship flys up from below them. Shooting at the ship, it was too late as it disappeared from my sight. Bending down, I look at Frigga, "Are you hurt? Are you ok!"

She nods her head, "Yes, I'm fine." Letting out a breath, I turn to notice Thor, Odin, and a girl step into the room. Hearing Loki's voice, he wasn't far behind to join the party. Helping her up, Odin holds her tightly; Loki does the same to me, seeing that I'm in one piece.

Frigga looks at me, giving me a thankful smile, "Thank you for saving me, I thought it was my time, but it seems I still have much more time left."

Returning her smile, I look out the window, the feeling of dread spreading through my body. Looking back at the family, I can help but smile at the brothers' relief that their mother is well. Looking at Loki's small smile, I wish for it to never leave; I wish to protect it and him.

Fate (Loki x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang