Chapter 25

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Slightly Mature~


It's been a few weeks since I returned to Asgard. The few days after my arrival was filled with bliss and joy, but like many things, it molded into a fitted schedule that became normal. My days now consisted of joining Frigga with royal duties. She began to teach me of the ways of Asgard and the expectations that must be met as the future spouse of the King.

While Loki has not proposed, and I am in no rush for him to do so, I can't help but feel warm at the fact that both his mother and brother see us more than we are now. The minutes mold into hours and then on, creating an endless loop.

My days of happiness turned into days of work and studying that would last for hours on end. I pick up the information quickly, but I can't help but feel bored of this—Board of a future as queen and board of the restrictions that come along with it.

In all honesty, as each day goes by, I only desire one thing, freedom. I desire the wind blowing against me, the water brushing on my skin, the feeling of the ground beneath my feet. I miss the days I would lock myself in a room and just leave.

Staring at the wall, I feel Loki's arms wrap around my waist. The sun shines down on us, but my thoughts keep me still. Feeling Loki move, I close my eyes, relaxing my body quickly to act as if I was asleep. Feeling his lips on my forehead, I smile as he whispers softly in my ear. 

"Good morning, love."

Feeling him move around, I turn my head, "Morning."

Feeling his lips on mine, I moan as his hand wanders down below. Feeling his fingers play, push and turn, I start to squirm a bit. Parting his lips with mine, I look at him with heavy eyes. Pushing me to my back, I don't break eye contact as he lowers his body into the dam below. Pulling my legs apart, I gasp as I feel his tongue go to work. 

Feeling a rush of pleasure, I start to squirm; little moans ring in the air.  Loki grips my thighs, feeling him moan; I grip his head feeling my back curl. On a different plane, I find myself on a high only to slowly go down. 

I hear a dark chuckle, "I love it when you come undone."

Towering over me, I watch as his eyes look over my body hungrily. Holding out my arms, he comes close, pulling me up to his lap. Feeling his lips on my neck, he speaks in a low loving voice as he wraps his arms around my body.

"We've been so stressed lately, let's take some time off. This will be our last day of work; at noon, I'll have you all to myself."

Looking into his eyes, I nod, making him smile a bit. Lifting me up, we get ready for the day, taking our sweet time; he opens the door, giving me one last kiss before walking off, leading me to go the other way. Usually, around this time, a maiden would come to pick me up to see Frigga, but to my knowledge, no one came. 

My cheeks burn at the thought of the maiden hearing my moans, but I shake my head and continue to the library. Ever since I came in contact with the mind stone, I have come to find out I can read the thoughts of others. While it was once reserved for Loki and him alone, it's expanded to anyone around. It took me a while to control it, but once I did, It didn't bother me much.

With it came along the sense of clarity in my head, a sense of knowing. Walking through the large hall, humming to myself, I find a begin to feel something. It felt all too familiar, but before I could resist it, everything started to become telling, my body moved on automatically, but my mind remained sane.


Her thoughts rang while her movement became blurred. Her body was moving on its own, swiftly placing her in front of the blank wall. Holding out her hand, she touches the wall, pushing forward as an entrance appears. 

Stepping through, the door closes behind her, leading her body to wander aimlessly. Walking through Odin's Vault, she remains undetected as her powers concealed her with the many gods looming over her shoulder. Stepping down the hall of many artifacts, fake or not, she stops.

Standing in front of the Tesseract, she reaches out for it, touching the cube, the blur clears. She finds herself in a world of darkness; it's calming despite its eariness. Swirls of blue appear, circling around her as a blue orb glows before her. 

Before she could reach out for it, the orb rushes towards her in excitement. Touching her hand, specks of light surge in the darkness. Stars appear, allowing her to glimpses into the universe before her. She sees it all, the galaxy, the planets, the people; she felt every inch of life and death that was spread out across the universe. 

The blue gem was ecstatic to see another vessel, a shell to grant a gift before returning to its slumber of power. Returning to the world she's always known, her body moves slowly away from the glowing cube. Exiting the vault, she returns to the empty hallway; the line was cut as she gasped.

She remembered everything; she could see everything. She could see earth stars away, the planets that edged throughout the pending galaxy. Placing her hands on her head, her magic began to digest the newly given abilities, mixing them with her own, making them her own.

The life before her would be limited alive and endless dead, but with the knowledge of her body's and spirit desire to connect with the stones, she wonders if she's a danger to those around her or if a force is using her for wrong.

Feeling her breath pick up, she starts to hyperventilate; she starts to panic. Then she feels someone touch her shoulder. Looking up in shock, she comes face to face with blue skin. His eyes were a vibrant purple, while his hair was a darker shade of blue. Four arms rested on both sides of his body while a white fabric graced his skin, covering a portion of him. 

He looks at her kindly, "I am Uillitas, I'm the God of and Personification of Tranquility. You seemed troubled, well more than usual."

She says nothing, gripping her dress as she looks down at the ground. Saddened by her state, he bends down, raising her chin to meet his kind gaze. "Sol, our little sun, there is nothing for you to worry about."

She looks up at him uncertainly, but he continues, "You are not being compromised, nor do you hold such evil in her heart. You must clear your mind and see behind the world's grasp. When you do, you'll see that you have a greater purpose, a greater meaning that is becoming clearer every day. You may not know it, but your body does, your soul does."

Wiping the tears before they could go down her pretty eyes, he helps her up, "Your heart is as heavy as your shoulders; please don't worry yourself. Go, enjoy your day."

Patting her head, she looks up at the tall figure, "Everything is going to be ok."

Feeling a sense of calmness wash over her, the worries she once felt washes away. Watching Uillitas fade away slowly, she stares in awe, feeling better, feeling tranquil. 

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