Chapter 18

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After the whole ordeal, Asgard grew darker, or maybe it was always like this. Respects were paid for the fallen, and Loki and I were filled in on what took place. Seeing as the dark elves have attacked for what Thor's love, Jane, possesses, this has become an unfinished war from centuries ago. Unable to restore the palace shields, Asgard remains defenseless.

Standing over the balcony, I watch the soldiers prepare for war. I thank the deities they told me because I would have never known. If I came here a second later, Frigga could have died. My mind wonders on the vision I received before coming here. Loki's lifeless face haunts my mind; the thought of him dying, of leaving me so suddenly kills me. Clinching the balcony railing, I take a deep breath, hoping to calm my nerves. 

Hearing soft footsteps, I turn to see the same girl Frigga was protecting, Jane. Walking over to me, she smiles, "Hi, I'm Jane."

I nod, "Sol."

Smiling at me nervously, she continues, "I would shake your hand or something, but you know the whole darkness in my thing. I wanted to thank you for saving us."

I shake my head, "It's no problem at all; I'm just glad you two are safe."

Feeling content, a silence sits between us; I can tell she's nervous, but she attempts to make conversation, "So, you and Loki?"


"Are you... you know...together?"

I nod, "Happily."

"Oh wow, that's good! Um, you know he um..."

"I know of his actions, and I understand the situation behind them."

She seems surprised by my words, rubbing her arm nervously, "I'm sorry, I just didn't think he would-"

She was cut off when the guards come in; I silently thanked them for ending this awkward conversation, "Jane Foster, you have to come with us."

I turn to them, confused, "Where are you taking her?"

"We are under the King's order to bring her with us. This is none of your concern."

Frowning, I turn to Jane and smile; she returns it before following the guards obediently. I haven't seen Loki since Thor went to speak with him after the war meeting. My dark thoughts return and consume me, leaving me to fall asleep and spiral into a never-changing nightmare. Hearing someone knock on the door, I'm pulled out of my slumber; opening the door; I see Sif. Smiling at her, she gives me a knowing look before handing me a sword. Taking it, she ushers me to follow her, "Follow along, Thor has a plan."

Nodding, we stop in front of a heavily guarded hall, Sif wastes no time in knocking them out, and I follow suit. Opening the door, I see Jane gloomily sitting on the couch.

"I'm not hungry."

I smirk, "Good, let's go."

Looking up at Sif and me, she follows us, walking down a dark hall; I see Loki and Thor up ahead. Seeing Loki, I feel a chill down my spine, the flash of his corpse before me. Jane points at him, seemingly irritated at him.


"Yes, I'm Loki, Thor's brother-"

Jane raises her head to slap him, only for Loki to grab her wrist before she had the chance. I hold back a smirk, looking at me; he smiles devilishly, "I like her."

Seeing the guards come our way in swarms, Sif stands in front of us, "I'll hold them off, go." 

Continuing down the hall, I see the Dark Elf's ship. Entering the ship, Thor and Loki try to figure out how to turn it on. This consisted of Loki pestering him while Thor smashed random buttons. Powering the ship, it rises, shooting straight through the palace and leaving thick rocks behind. Loki expresses Thor's poor flying skills, swooping and diving through the city; I notice Jane falter. Seeing Jane fall, I catch her; as soon as I touched her, I felt a surge of electricity pierce me. 


Getting pushed back, I feel the visions go through like flashes; the whispers grow louder and louder until they were becoming unbearable. Opening my eyes, I saw nothing but darkness, then like a beam of hope, light floods throughout my sight. Seeing a ball of red, I stare at it with curiosity; touching it, I see flashes, images of the past. It seemed so fragile, yet so strong; it seems infinite. Withdrawing my hand, I hear the other deities calling my name. Turning around, I look at the stone one more time before abandoning it. Following the whispers, I see them reaching out for me. 

"Sol! SOL!"

Gasping for air, I look up to see Loki panicking, confused; he picks me up abruptly before jumping off the ship. Landing on another small one, looking over, I see Fandral steering. "Sol, are you ok? What happened?"

"I don't know; what happened?"

Keeping me close, Fandral jumps off, giving the controls to Loki of the ship. Getting shot at, Fandral jumps on our attacker, taking down the ship altogether. Watching as we head straight towards a mountain, I grip Loki's arm as we make it through the small hole. Light flashes as the ship hits the warp lightly, but once on the other side, it's becomes smoother.

Loki smirks at our unsteady flying, "Tad-a~."

Looking at the dark world, I look up at the clouded skies. Feeling a weight lift off me, I look down at Jane's resting figure. Feeling a strong power, I turn my head, pointing at the far desert. Jane wakes up soon after, looking at the beyond the desert west from up. Sensing the same energy, Loki lands the ship as close as we can. 

Loki helps me down; seeing the worry on his face, I give him a reassuring smile before continuing forward. I wish I remembered what happened after touching Jane; I keep drawing a blank. Thor and Loki stand in front of us; seeing a large ship up ahead, I grip my sword. The dark elves stand behind their leader as he stands there waiting for us. Ready to attack, I watch, shocked as Loki slices Thor's hand and takes Jane to the dark elf. 

I call out his name, getting pushed back by Jane; I watch as the Elf extracts the Aether from her. Thor's hand returns, Loki grabs Jane and me, shielding us from Thor's powerful blow. Feeling my heart go a mile a minute, I grip Loki's shirt, confused yet hopeful that Thor's lightning will be enough. I watch the Aether fall apart, only for the dark elf to consume its remains. The elfin soldiers run to us, allowing their leader to escape. Drawing my sword, I push Loki aside, slashing as many elves as possible. Seeing something be thrown towards Jane, I rush over and push her away. Feeling myself be sucked in by the blast, Loki grabs my hand, pulling me close before I could get sucked in. Turning my head, I curse under my breath as it vanishes. Surrounded by dark elves, I feel Loki's back on mine. 

Gripping my sword, we fight off the swarm surrounding us with ease. Not feeling Loki's presence, I watch as he runs to Thor. Stabbing the beast that pounds Thor to the ground, he stops; everything goes in slow motion as he turns, stabbing Loki where he stands.


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