Special Chapter - Skadi

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Take place years later; Skadi is currently 18 in this chapter. 

Skadi POV

The cold, the ice, the snow, this is where I felt most free, most at ease. On days like this, when the sun shines down on me, I lay in the fluffy snow—my blue skin blending in with the while snowflakes that lay on my dark eyelashes. 

I never sought to hide this form as it was my first and favorite. It shows the bond I share with Father and the people who are nothing but nearly extinct. I remember my youth when I would run around in my bluish form, and Father would tell me to hide it away. I remember when Mother pulled him and defended me. I was too young to realize it at the time, but when she smiled down at me with her soft brown eyes and told me to be free, I never looked back. 

At first many talked and whispered behind my back, but I never let their words bother me; I never let their stares dictate what I would be. I did as Mother told me; I kept my head held high and faced every day with a smile. Father grew used to it and began to join me as well, I could see the discomfort, but I would hold his hand and keep him distracted from the gazes. From then on, nothing tore us apart; nothing drew me away from those red eyes that held stories of the folk tales of our people. 

Sitting up, I stretch my limbs; a snow bunny lands on my lap, making me chuckle. As the vibrations spread through my body, I watch as it runs away quickly. 

Feeling playful, I follow it, letting the cold wind touch my skin. I chuckle as it hides away, in its deep burrow, "Oh, come on!"

Hearing heavy footing, I turn around quickly to see an Elk. It was huge; I haven't seen one in a while. To be honest, I haven't seen any of the animals sent to our humble home since they got here years ago.

Walking over to the large beast, I hold out my hand. Touching hits snout, I smile before petting its thick fur. I look into its warm eyes, "I can I hitch a ride?"

It did and said nothing, allowing me to get on its back, hanging onto its neck. I can't help but trace over its horns; I quickly regret it as it starts moving forward quickly. Hanging on tightly, I laugh, loving the sense of freedom flooding over me. 

Sitting up, I hold out my hands, basking in the cold as the sun shines down on my blue skin. Cherishing moments like these makes every second worth it, every morning worth wild. Feeling the Elk slow down, I slip off, "Thank you for letting me ride; I appreciate it."

Looking at me one last time, it walks away, deep within the trees that sat along the mountain. Turning my head, I look down at the village below, my home. Walking towards it, I watch as it comes close to view. Walking through the smooth road, I hum a tune as the people live their life.

I wave to many, say hello to some, I even pick up Máni's favorite, Red Velvet Almond Cake. Seeing my reflection along the way, I smile at myself, admiring my ruby red eyes before continuing down the road. Feeling the wind through my hair, I hold onto it, so it doesn't hit my face. Following its direction, I look up to the partly cloudy day, smiling at the peaceful sky. Looking ahead, I see the house standing in its glory alone. 

Running over, I open the door, "I'm home!"

Peaking out from the kitchen is Mother; a soft smile rests on her face. Her long black curly hair was pushed back into a bun that remained untangled. Her beauty was always unmatched in my eyes as the sun shined through the window, falling on her brown skin. In a Lavender sweater and black pants, love fills in her eyes; I walk over to her. As always, she places a kiss on my forehead, "My sweet daughter, how was your day?"

Placing the small tray on the countertop, I look at her, melting from her small jester. "It was great! The snow was extra soft today, and I got to ride on an Elk! I haven't seen one yet; it was so soft you should have felt it!"

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