Special Chapter - Feels Right

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Skadi POV

Staring at him, I sigh before letting him go; stepping back, I watch as he touches the snow curiously. I take a moment to admire his features; his skin was tan but remained marked on his arms. Along with the gold jewelry that sat on his upper body and long brown hair, his ears were pointed and high. On his head laid antlers that resembled a deer or even a ram if you look close enough.

He notices my stares, tilting his head a bit; I can't help but find it adorable. Crossing my arms, I speak up, "Is there a reason you seem to be popping up every time I wake up?"

He stands, trying to steading himself in the ice and snow. "I forgot to warn you about the animals that lurk at night; I came to make sure you're ok."

I raise an eyebrow, "Thank you, but I can take care of myself."

He doesn't seem fazed by my words; nodding at my words, I stretch my limbs and walk away to explore. And he decided to follow me, after weeks of trying to lose him, I find that it's useless. Jörmun has stayed with me as well, he's grown tremendously, but I don't mind. His slithering around makes my naps feel soothing.

But they tend to get interpreted by the constant staring, it's annoying, but he is a looker. From his defined features and sharp eyes, even the gold the sta on his body only made him more pleasant to the eye. 

As the days continue on, he just disappeared. I can't help but miss him, but it allowed me some well-deserved alone time, something I have been lacking with him around, but I enjoyed his company. With his soft word his mesmerizing voice, I grew annoyed that he would stare at me, but I caught myself doing the same to him. It's like something ties me to him, pulls me to him, yeah, a pull. 

Now that I realize it, now that he's gone, something is missing. "Time to go on a hunt."

Looking out from the top of the trees, I jump down, landing gently on Jörmun's smooth scales gently; I pat his head. "Take us to our Mysterious Man." 

Handing on firmly, Jörmun moves through the forest quickly. Seeing the temples to my left, I glance at it; seeing it deserted, I frown, "Not here either."

The bright-eyed snake speeds up, making me shake, "You seem to know exactly where he is. now that I think about it, you all do, every living thing."

Smiling, I look ahead, "Then lead the way, show me where he is."

Riding through unfamiliar territory, I notice how cold it's getting, how darker the trees are becoming. The more I could see my breath, the happier and curious I became.

Going on a straight path, we dip, heading straight through the entrance of a cave. Diving deeper and deeper into the cave, I notice Jörmun's slowing movements. Tugging through it, I touch his scales, "I'll help you adjust because this is similar to my domain."

Placing my hands on his skin, I reroot his body, helping him adjust to the cold environment. Watching him go faster, we dive deeper into the darkness of the cave, only for specks of light to illuminate the room. They're crystals; no, it's ice.

Staring at the walls in awe, we go deeper until the surrounding walls spread out. Revealing underground snow haven. The walls were caved like I was inside a dome, the ice and snow sat untouched, and in the center of it all, a deep blue pool with my mystery man standing at the edge of its shore. 

Riding down, Jörmun stops behind him, getting off slowly; I watch as he wraps around himself and waits patiently. Walking over to him, I speak softly, "I finally found you."

Turning his head, he gives me a soft smile before walking into the water. I raise an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

Watching him stop at the center, he bends down, putting his hand in the water before picking something up. Turning to me, he walks over to me; it took every bone in my body not to stare at his wet form, so I turned my focus on the item in his hand. 

Stepping in front of me, he looks down with a warm smile and holds out the flower. "This flower is a part of the only living plant from what once was of my home. I call it Bòid Deigh, and I want to give it to you."

Handing me the flower, I take it slowly, adjusting to the warm feeling in my chest. Looking down at the flower, it was thin, delicate, yet strong. In my hand, it felt right; it felt true.

Looking up at him, I fight the heat on my blue cheeks, "What does the name mean?"

Smiling at me, he brushes his hand on my cheek gently, "Ice Beauty, that is what I think of when I look at you."

My eyes widen at his words; yes, I have been given compliments. I've courted a few and flirted with many, but when those words come from here, it makes me feel different; it makes me feel good.

His hand never left my cheek as he rubs against the markings gently. Not knowing what to say, I choke out the question that lingers on my mind. 

"What's your name?"

I curse myself for sounding weird, but he doesn't seem to mind as care pours into his eyes.

"My name is Cernunnos."

Processing his words, I say his name gently, "Cernunnos."

His eyes brighten, so I continue, "My name is Skadi."

He says my name gently, "Skadi."

My stomach does leaps, making me look down at the flower, "Thank you for the flower, I'll make sure to take good care of it."

Using my magic, I keep it in its own little domain before watching it fade away into my little pocket of space.

Cernunnos watches in amazement, making me grab his hand gently, "Come on, you've been trying to keep me fed, but I have yet to give you anything."

His hand in mine feels right; it feels perfect. 

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