Chapter 26

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Walking away from the empty hallway, I find myself feeling normal. That was the best way to describe it; I didn't feel anything major, nothing fundamental. So when I heard the sound of hooves brushing against the ground, that became my spark.

Like a trigger, I jump over the railing, landing a few feet away from the stalls. Entering, I look around at the horses lined up in the pins. Looking at one horse, I look at his dotted fur; it was gray and white, beautifully complimenting its long dark hair.

Unlocking the stall, I watch as he approaches me. Holding out my hand, his snout touching it gently. Feeling calm, I get on its back, placing my hands on his neck; he moves out of the stalls and onto the open field. 

"Let's go on an adventure."

Hanging on tightly, he begins to speed up, running down the field freely. Smiling, I laugh as the wind blow through my curly hair. Jumping over the fence, we continue forward as the castle grows further and further away. Holding out my arms, I cheer in delight, enjoying the rushing feeling through my body. Riding through the stream and into the woods, I feel the specks of sunlight on my skin. Seeing the bright light at the end, the smooth horse begins to slow down.

Stopping, I gasp, looking out at the kingdom below. The mountains weren't far; I could feel the cold breeze flowing wildly. Smiling at the sight, I pet the horse's coat, "Isn't it beautiful."

Feeling Loki's pull, "We should head back."

Looking down the cliff, an idea comes to mine, "Let's see if this works."

Expanding my magic through my body, I spread his through the tamed animal. Feeling the connection spread, I breathe in and out.


Holding onto his neck, I watch as he leaps off the cliff fearlessly. Instead of falling headfirst, he walks on air, my magic dances on the end of his hooves. Smiling, I yell out in triumph; riding through the sky, I look down at the world below. 

Touching the clouds that pass by us, the horse dives down before landing on the field over the fence. Smiling, he continues to run towards the stall, slowing down; I jump off, walking with him to the stall. 

Refilling his water and providing more hay and grains, I smile as he eats away. Saying my goodbyes, I notice a name tag on its stall. "I hope to see you again, Ingfred."

Walking out, I feel a buzz of happiness rush through me. Walking through the hall, I follow the lingering call of Loki.

Not paying attention, I bump into someone; stepping back, I look up to see Odin looking down at me. I curtsy, "My apologizes."

Hearing nothing but silence, I look up at him; seeing his hard stare, I tilt my head, "Is something wrong?"

Snapping out of it, he shakes his head as I stand, "No, it's nothing."

Walking past me, I can't help but turn around and raise an eyebrow. Brushing it off, I continue forward, having a pip in my step. Seeing Loki up ahead, I call out his name; turning his head, he smiles. Walking faster, I stop abruptly when a large portal opens beside me. Staring at it in awe, I look at the white and blue edges. 

Hearing soft whispers, I hold out my hand, reaching for it. I stop at the feeling of Loki's hand on my wrist. Looking over at him, he looks at the portal in concern. "What's wrong?"

"Well, from the looks of it, you didn't open the portal, so why would you go through it?"

"It's just a feeling."

The portal closes, letting go of my wrist; I can't help but feel a bit sad; he places his hand on my cheek. "My love, you can't just go around and disappear on me."

Seeing the worry in his eyes, I smile, placing my hand on his. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Before he could open his lips, we start to fall; the wind beats against me roughly. Looking around, I see Loki not too far from me as well, reaching out for him; he does the same. Feeling his hand on mine, I try to focus. 

Clearing my mind, the pressure around me comes to an end; opening my eyes, I see Loki holding me close as we slowly land on the ground. Looking at the world around me in awe, I turn to Loki as he stares at the city before us in shock.

"I've never been here before."

He looks over at me, "What!?"

Understanding how my magic works, I look ahead, wondering how I got here. Wondering how my portal took us there, my eyes widen, "The stone."

"What stone?"

I look at him, "The tesseract, the stone in it! It was calling me, and I touch it."

"You did what!"

"You heard me! When I did, I saw...everything. It gave me something; I think it's this."

Looking at my hands, "My teleportation is stronger now."

Processing my words, he runs his fingers through his hair, "Well then, I guess it makes sense that you're here."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, this is Chandilar, the Shi'ar Throneworld."

"Really! So this is the world they watch over!"

Getting excited, I pull Loki forward, "Well then, let's look around! They must have sent me here for a reason!"

Seeing the excitement in my eyes, he gives in, feeling a cloak rest on my shoulders and appear on his he pulls up my hood. "Ok, but keep this up, just in case."

Nodding, I grab his hand, pulling him forward. Sneaking in the city, I look around at the bright lights. I notice the flying crafts above us, spring through the red skies littered with stars. 

Seeing the different people of colors from orange to pink and even purple, I smile in awe. Their clothes seemed very resiting, tight even on some while others dressed loose clothing with a corset-like outwear that covered their upper body. 

This world looked odd, but to see the people Sharra and K'ythri watch felt nothing less than wonderful. Everything seemed to be going well until I heard those faithful words.

"Stop Intruders!"

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