Chapter 19

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Runing over to him, Sol holds out her hand, the vision that's been haunting her flashing through her mind. She knew what was to come; she knew he would sacrifice himself to kill the stone monster and die in Thor's arms. She knew he would utter his last words and stare into her eyes as his skin turned blue, as he gave her one last smile. 

Holding out her hand, time stops; everything that once was became no more. As a product of the God and Goddess of Shi'ar, her power will forever grow and evolve until she ascends along with them. Touching Jane, she met with stone, favoring her will; it granted her a slither of power. Enough for one moment, one altercation, one instant. 

Her desire for Loki to live triggered this as reality bent. No longer was she running to his side, but he was to her. Loki wasn't in incredible pain from the blade in his chest, but she was. What was supposed to be was no longer, as a new reality came to pass.

Feeling a sharp pain in her chest, she looks down in shock. Blood spills from her mouth as she looks up at the beast. Noticing the cracks on his face, she slowly places her hands on his head. Releasing her magic, the beast screams as light entangles the inside of his body. He crumbles from the inside out, leaving her standing alone with a blade in her chest.

Thor and Loki shout, calling out her name in pain. Falling, Loki quickly catches her, panicking at the sight of his love dying slowly in his arms. The pain in her body edges on; looking up at Loki, she winces as he takes out the very sword Sif gave to her. Giving him a reassuring smile, she holds his hand, "I'm so glad you're safe."

She didn't know why she said that; all she recalled was running to Thor's aid, but deep down, she knew of the fate Loki once carried was now her own. "Stop worrying so much; it's only a scratch."

Her voice was weak; turning her head, she looks over to see the tears in Thor's eyes and the worry in Jane's features. "Don't cry; I'll be ok."

Loki picks her up, not daring to let her go. Both he and Thor knew that her time was slipping. Thor and Jane lead the two, trying to find shelter. Loki listens to Sol's calming words as she talks to him as if she wasn't leaving him.

"Remind me to go to the store to get some more ingredients; I have this recipe I've been wanting to try out."

Loki's eyes water as he tries to remain calm, "Will it is something sweet, my love?"

"Of course, I can't wait for you to try it."

He tries to remain composed, "I can't wait."

Finding a cave, Thor and Jane give them some time alone. Holding her close, Sol places her hand on her wound. Groaning, Loki scolds her, "Stop that; what are you doing?!"

"It feels hot."

Ripping the leather, Loki looks down in shock. No longer the chocolate brown skin he adored laid but instead swirls of blue and purple. The wound glows, making Sol cry out; Thor and Jane rush over to see what's happening.

They watch in shock as her wound glows and slowly molds together. While they couldn't see the color shift through the light, Loki did, and this made him wonder if Sol had any bounds on her life at all. 

Feeling the pain wash away, she touches the wound. Shocked, she releases a breath of air, accepting the fact that she beat death at its door. Looking up at Loki's shocked face, he says her name gently. "Sol?"

She smiles at him reassuringly, "See, just a scratch."

Holding her close, he wraps her arms around her tightly; he feared that if he let her go, she would disappear. Calming down, he reluctantly pulls away to help her up; the two look at Thor and Jane, who were frozen. 

Thor matches over to Sol, his expression indifferent, but as soon as he stood in front of her, he engulfed her in a hug. Afraid she was going to break, it was gentle; looking at her with worried eyes, he speaks firmly, "Don't do that ever again."

She gives him a soft smile, "Yeah, ok."

The sentimental moment was interrupted by a ringtone; specifically, We Cakin' Up by Young De. We look over at Jane, seeing as it was coming from her. Answering the phone in confusion, she's shocked to find Richard on the other end. This made Thor's expression go sour, Making Sol and Loki look at each other in confusion. Putting it on the speaker to follow the signal; you could sense Thors' distaste at the sound of Richard's voice.

Finding a set of keys, the three follow her into the wall. Warping through it, they find themselves in a parking lot. Hanging up the phone, they step into what seems to be Jane's car.

While Loki and Sol sat in the back seat, Thor sat in the front and asked the burning question on his mind, "So who's Richard?"

"Seriously, Thor?!"

The rest of the drive was quiet, but Loki nor Sol minded as their fingers slowly intertwined. Sol couldn't help but feel tired but didn't allow it to stop her from taking this time to relax and regroup before they arrive at wherever Jane was taking her.

Finding ourselves in an apartment building, Jane unlocks the door and lets us in. Looking around the quaint room, Thor hangs his hammer on the coat rack. Sol watches as Jane talks with Eric; Thor looks at Eric in question, "Are you well, Eric."

He smiles at Thor before getting nervous, "You're brothers not here, is he?"

Loki makes his presence known, "Why yes, I am."

Loki smirks at him, making him scared shitless; Sol slaps his arm, "Loki! Sorry about him, he won't hurt you. You have my word."

He looks at Sol, eyes darting to Loki ever so often, waiting for him to pounce. "A-And you are?"


Holding out his hand for Sol to shake, Loki stops her, not wanting his love to touch a random pantless man's hand. Frightened by Loki's sudden movement, he looks at Thor and pulls him into a hug before returning to work. 

Figuring out that the Dark Elf King is going to be London, Loki, Thor, and Sol prepare for the attack coming in the morning. Making its way to Greenwich, a large black ship pushes its way through the city. The dark elves begin to leave the ship, but Thor and the others were waiting for him. 

Shooting the dark energy at Thor and Loki, Sol stands in front of them, protecting them with her shield. Rushing forward, he pushes Sol back; using his lightning and my light, we attack the King. Jane's device works as the elves begin to disappear. 

Helping Loki, he takes on the elves, defending me from those trying to kill me. Thor and Malekith come in and out of planets. While Loki and Sol take out as many elves as possible, the realms between worlds grow thinner and thinner. Seeing the dark elf alone, Sol blasts him with a ray of light; seeing this, he screams at her, causing her to fly back. Hitting her head, she groans, standing quickly to see Thor heading into the powerful winds. 

Thor takes down Malekith, leaving him on the ground unconscious. The ship begins to crumble and fall towards Thor. Jane rushes in to save him; Loki comes in to help, but before they could lift him up, Sol standing in front of him with her hands up. 

Creating a portal to the Dark Elves' world, they watch in awe as the ship falls in, disappearing from the earth while leaving its remains behind. Feeling weak, Loki catches her up before she could fall. 

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