Chapter 28

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Stepping out of the clothing synthesizer, I look at the elegant dress of white and silver against my skin. Looking at the mirror, I can't help but smile at my appearance.

Opening the door, I smile at the sight of Loki freshening up, dressed in his black and gold with a hint of green. After the big reveal, the guards escorted us to a room to rest for today. From what Loki told me The Feast Day of Sharra and K'ythri is one of the religious holidays of the empire. It's usually used to display military might, and it's clearly seen with the number of soldiers swarming the grounds below. 

It definitely freaks me out, but I tried to stay optimistic about the whole ordeal. It was only a little parade and food shared with each other, kinda like Thanksgiving. After the feast, we will leave and continue on our lives as normal.

Walking over, I wrap my arms around him, laying my hand against his back I feel a sense of comfort run through my body. Smiling, I feel him turn his body, placing a kiss on my lips. Wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and the other on his chest, my heart melts.

Parting, I whisper softly, "I can't wait to head back home."

"Oh, so Asgard is your home?"

"One of them yes, but as they say home is where the heart is."

"And here?"

I smile, placing my head on his chest, "This place is beautiful, but it doesn't feel like home. With that being said, I haven't been here for more than a day."

Lowering his hands, they rest dangerously above my bum. Looking up at him he smiles at me mischievously, "Then let's make the most of it."

Hearing a knock on the door, his fingers intertwine with mine. Opening the door, we look up to see K'gor. Bowing down to his knees he removes all eye contact with the two of us. "Holy One, Prince Loki, I am here to escort you to the parade."

I smile, "Thank you."

Standing he walks forward, allowing Loki and I to follow, I hear his words run softly through my head.

"Holy One?"

I shrug my shoulders, "That will take some getting used to."

"No, I like it Holy One~ Can't wait for the feast tonight Holy One~ Will you bless my food?"

I chuckle a bit, "Loki!"

Looking at him with a teasing glare, I can't help but smile. "This way."

Opening a door, I look at the light that seeped through outside. Stepping in alongside the green-eyed god. Seeing a little elevating deck, we step on, rising within the float and ending up at the top. Looking around, I see the gold and silver designs. Standing behind us tall are the statues of the godly couple who created me. Two seats rest under it, meant for Loki and me. 

I look at Loki, "What do we do now?"

The universe seemed to answer my question as the float began to move forward. Holding onto Loki's arm, I watch as our float falls in line with the others. It was right behind the Emperesses and was easily the largest float due to the statue behind us. Hearing the distance cheers, I look over the edge to see their army on both sides.

Hearing simple commands behind shouted, they begin to march as the floats steadily move forward. The lack of music made the whole thing interesting but the cheers drowned out the silence and marching. I always seem to forget that the Shi'ar don't favor music. 

Monitors float in the sky, giving everyone a view of the celebration down below. Seeing the people, I feel out of place; then the speakers go off—Emperess Xandra's voice booms with care and authority. 

"My loyal people! Thank you for attending The Feast Day of Sharra and K'ythri. As we celebrate Sharra and K'ythri along with the gifts they have blessed us with, we have discovered wonderful news! The Holy Ones bore a child, Sol. She is a product of our Gods. Our light in the day!"

The crowd goes wild, "Along with her lover Prince Loki of Asgard, they have come to shower us with the great blessings."

Loki and I face get plastered across the screens, feeling there eyes on us, I look over to see Loki waving. I follow suit, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the attention. Flowers get tossed at our floats, people old and young, watch in fascination passing the lines of soldiers walking beside us. Getting an idea, I give Loki a knowing look, slipping a suggestion through his mind. 

Looking down at me be nods, holding his hand over mine, we hold it out as our magic flows creating sparks of illusions that cast above the crowd. Seeing the peoples wonder and awe I smile, keeping my fingers wrapped around Loki's. Hours go by and the parade comes to an end, between waving and casting illusions and sitting on our makeshift thrones, we were tired.  You could see the stalls and vendors selling a variety of items for the many people who stepped out of there homes. 

Returning to the palace, we are led to a dinning room full of elegant wear and a sky window above us. Seeing the lack of guards, I notice the different people sitting in the seats. Sitting down next to Loki at the head of the table with the Emperess on the other end, the room is folded with nobles and mighty warriors. Watching the food be brought in, they begin to flood us with introductions, questions, and small talk.

Wanting nothing more than to escape, Loki sensed my displeasure and placed his hand on my thigh. Rubbing my upper leg gentle, I start to calm down, mingling with the many who serve the Emperess and worship the legacy I seem to bare in this world.

The night ended with dessert and Loki, keeping my weak figure close as we return to our room. The day was long, exciting, and tiring, as soon as he stripped my clothes and curled into bed with me, I was out, letting his cold skin soothe me to sleep. 

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