Chapter 30

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The days of the conference drew near, but I made it clear to Steve that I would be retiring. He was upset, very actually, but he read the accords too; he knew what they would do to hurt me, what would happen if I dipped my feet any further, whether I'm for it or against it. He knew it would be safer if I remained on Asgard with Loki. 

The thought of leaving them behind potentially permanently pained me but to see the smiles of the one I loved filled with fear would hurt me even more. I watch the accords on Tv, as the Wakandan's King speaks only for an explosion to go off and the cameras to be cut. 

Teleporting there, to help any of those in need, there was already a man hurt during the explosion. It was the king and his son crying over his dead body. Before I could go over to them, someone escorts him, helping get his father's body. Having a bad feeling, I sit in the nearing ally, watching Steve and Sam walk by; I pull them in after hearing the news from the nearing reporters. 

"Going rouge, I see."

Looking at Steve, he pulls away, "And what are you going to do about it? Stop me?"

I scoff, "Yeah, right, but I think it would make you like a lot easier if you tell me where he is."

Giving me a small smile, he hands me the file; reading over it quickly, I nod. "Ok, let's go." Teleporting them to Bucharest, Romania, I open two other portals, grabbing their equipment. Handing it to them, I cast an illusion around myself, "I'll be around."

Walking off, I check the perimeter, watching them from afar. I see the soldiers begin to close in, watching Sam keep an eye from afar; I remain still, lucid in the crowd. As they infiltrate the apartment, I watch as Sam knocks the helicopter out of the sky. Opening a portal, I relocated it somewhere deserted near the city. 

I remain close to the battle watching the men fight amongst themselves. Knowing not to interfere too much, she does her best to clean up the messes they seem to keep making. Watching as they get cornered and detained, I follow after them, track them, specifically Bucky. Ending up in Berlin, my illusion keep by safe. Following after Bucky, I watch him as he gets locked in a cell and detained. Making myself present to only him, he looks down at me, confused. Listening to his thoughts, seeing through his broken mind, it begins to become clearer to me. "You didn't do it, did you."

Hearing someone come in, I step aside; Bucky's gaze leaves me and followed the man that steps in; I watch as he questions Bucky. The way he stood, his demeanor threw me off. Listening to his words, the power goes out. Seeing him pull out a red book, I make my presence known. Already halfway through, I punch him across the face, stopping him. As I continue to fight him, he continues to speak, allowing Bucky to break out. Ordering the Winter Soldier, I grab him, teleporting him away, somewhere safe so I can confine him and knock him out. 

Looking down at the sleeping man, I cross my arms, "I can't believe this is your life, all you want to do is rest, and here you are, a pawn in someone else's game once again."

Quickly grabbing Steve and Sam, I present them with the wanted man.

"See, made your life easier."

I turn to the two, "Oh, and he didn't bomb the UN; he was actually asleep by the time it happened. I woke up the next day and got captured. He should be waking up soon."

Walking past them, the busied man wakes up from his slumber, not as the Winter Soldier but as Bucky, the one Steve knew from his youth. He looks around, looking up at me; he leans his head back, "You."

I cross my arms, "Yes?"

He ponders on his words, "You helped me, why?"

I don't need to ponder on his words, "Well, for one, you're innocent and tired. You've fought so much throughout your life, I think you deserve a break, and the world doesn't seem to want to give you one. And two, you're Steve's best friend, and a friend of his is a friend of mine."

Taken back by my words, I unlock his cuffs despite Sam's small protest. Opening a small portal, a bottle of water and a sub appears in my hands. Handing it to him, I smile, "Here, you must be hungry from all that running."

Taking it, he looks up at me, making me smile a bit. After some time, we quickly find out what the man wanted, and that was information on the other Winter Soldiers. It was clear that we're on our own, no one would help us, but Sam knew a guy.

This led us to contact Sharon; sitting next to Sam, I hold back a laugh as Bucky sits in the back and Sam sits in the front. Sam refused to move his seat up, leaving Bucky to feed him silent glares. Watching Steve kiss Sharon, I smirk, watching as she walks away; the three of us share a common look as he blushes and gets back in the car. I couldn't help but tease him, which led Bucky joining on his own. After a long ride, we meet up with Wanda and Clint, along with the new addition Scott Lang, called by Sam. I hold out my hand; he shakes it, "Wow, this is really cool."

I smile, "It's nice to meet you, Scott. I heard you beat Sam's ass; I gotta say I'm impressed." 

"Come on, Sol!"

I laugh a bit; sitting up, I get in the familiar outfit that I wore in countless missions with my once united team. I can't help but feel a pang of sadness at how we turned out now, at how divided we are. I guess this was inevitable; from the first time we came together to Ultron, there were always sighs to this day coming to be; I was just too blind to see it. Heading to the airport, I watch everything unfold as Tony's people come out while Steve tries to reason with them. It didn't do much as both sides come rushing towards each other, readying for a brawl. 

It didn't take long for me to come face to face with Natasha. "Well, hello."

Punching her across the face, I watch as she flies back. "Sorry."

Runing over to her, I continue to fight her, attacking hand in hand with the small help of my magic. I didn't want to hurt her, but the bruise on her face said otherwise. Knocking her down, I get a call from Sam, "Coming~."

Setting him and Bucky free from the thick web, we regroup with the others, making our way to the Quinjet only to be stopped by Vision. Telling us to surrender, Tony and the others line up. Rushing forward, we face them head-on, not thinking of the times we shared for the people we truly care for.

Seeing Steve a little tied up by the many webs, I help him out, leaving me to face spider boy. Tossing him through the air, I cushion his fall, "Sorry! I hope you're not hurt too much."

"I'm good!"

Hearing the others telling Steve and Bucky to go, I agree with them, "Go; we'll keep things handled here."

Watching Scott turns into a giant as he tosses the thick gray metal suit. Distracting the others while Cap and Bucky run, we back up Scott as he goes titan on Rhodey and Spider boy. Seeing Vision break down the wall, Wanda holds it off just enough for them to slip through. Scott doesn't stay up long either as he gets knocked over and returns to his normal size.


I watch him fall back, "Are you ok?"

"Does anyone have orange slices?"

Opening a small portal, I get an orange and hand it to him, "Sorry, you have to peel it."

"Wow, that was cool."

Watching the Quinjet fly off, I see Rhodey, Tony, and Sam fly off. Watching Vision hit Rhodey by accident, I gasp before soring through the sky. Picking up my speed, I go through as many portals as possible, but he was falling fast. Reaching out for his suite, I grab his arm just in time; taking a breath, I land him on the ground roughly. Before falling beside him, Tony lands, reading his vitals. 

"Is he ok?"

"Just a sprain in his arm; he's ok."

I take a breath of relief, "Good."

It didn't last as I feel pain shoot through my legs, making me cry out in pain. Looking above me, I see helicopters fly in and soldiers flooding in. Looking at my bloody legs, I feel tears fall down my eyes as I'm detained and chained by the neck and wrist. 

Everything goes black.

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