Chapter 10

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Placing my fingers on my lips, my mind drifts to Loki, "Tonight was amazing." 

Finally, back in my room, I lay on the bed, smiling into my pillow. I relax, letting my eyes close.


Opening my eyes, I find myself surrounded by fluffy clouds. Looking up at the sky, the stars move, centering around me as I sit up slowly. Looking around, I see nothing for miles on end until a familiar light shines before me.

Staring into the light, I watch as the man and woman that always seems to appear before I awaken. I take in their features; their skin was a mixture of blue and purple, eyes as white as snow, dark blue symbols rest beside their eyes. They glowed before me like shining stars. 

The woman speaks up, "She's finally awakened."

 Looking up, amazed, I stare at the two, "Who are you."

The man looks down at me, "My name is K'ythri, and this is my love Sharra; we are the ones who created you."


Sharra steps forward, "We are here to fill in the missing pieces of your past, how you came to be, and the power you hold."

Placing her hand on my back, she pulls me forward; K'ythri holds out his hand. Showing a glimpse of the past, "On Asgard, a family resided, they are what deities call the Keeper of the Gods. They have the ability to communicate with the higher beings of the universe. As the generations pass, the more they spoke with those above them carrying on the wisdom that has been passed down for generations."

Showing me those who look so much like me, I listen carefully. Sharra picks up where he leaves off, "As time went on their existence grew smaller and they became targets of greed and hatred. Leaving only one left to reside at the edge of Asgard, your mother Hertha."

Showing me a picture of the beautiful woman, I smile at her warm, calming features. "She was kindhearted and worthy enough to connect with us at a young age. When her parents passed, we became close to her and remained her companions throughout her life."

K'ythri shifts the memory of her, "Being a Keeper of the Gods, you are granted luck by them but we could only do so much. Venturing off into town, she was attacked. We were able to guide her to a healer who would take her, but she wasn't able to bear children as a result of the attack. She was devastated, she could not carry the legacy of her family, it would end where she stood. Saddened by this, Sharra and I bent the rules of this reality and used our power to create you. With our essence and her blood, she was with child, and that child was you."

Showing me the days of her pregnancy, I watch as she rubs her round belly, "When you come into this world, I have so much to show you. Like the beach hidden by the rocks, I always found the prettiest shells there. Or the field that rests a bit north, the flowers that would bloom there are always so beautiful. My sweet child, this world holds so much hate for us. We may part but just remember you're never alone. Those that reside in the sky will always be there, to watch over you and guide you."

Feeling my eyes swell, she hums a sweet melody, the same one from my dream. "Mom."

A new memory forms, making Sharra frown, "She remained in hiding, but when the villagers found out, they banned together to kill the both of you. On the day of your birth, we remained by her side along with the others. As soon as you were born the outside world became meanless as she looked into your innocent eyes."

I watch as the woman smiles down at me, "My sweet child, Verdandi."

I watch as the tears swell in her eyes, hearing the commotion outside, she quickly gets up, using all her strength, and began to run. 

"She fleed, running down the golden gate to send you somewhere safe."

Watching her, she walks inside the golden dome. Meeting with Heimdall she looks at him with pleading eyes. "Please send me somewhere safe, somewhere my daughter can live her life in peace."

He seemed hesitant, "No one shall pass or come through the Bifrost."

She looks defeated, but then the baby begins to wiggle in her arms. Looking around, she sees Heimdall and laughs as she reaches up to touch him. Looking down at her, his heart melts; he gives in, "You may take her to Midgard, but you must return; you know the rules can only be broken so much."

Understanding his words she nods, "I know my fate."

Sending her down, she holds me close as she appears in an alley. Confused and frantic, by the world around her she notices a house across the street. The windows were lit, and it seemed safe enough. 

Rushing over, she looks down at the baby, "I love you, Verdandi, while your past is grim, may your future be bright and you're present remain memorable." Kissing the baby's forehead, she knocks on the door as hard as she can and runs away. Watching as both my adoptive parents open the door and lifted me up. 

Smiling at the sight sadly, she gets shot up in a beam of light. Thanking Heimdall she returns to her home, tears falling from her eyes. Writing down something, she lifts the stone, placing it in a hole before covering it. Hearing the cries of anger outside, she remains still, allowing the sound of the ocean to consume her. I cover my mouth, watching as the house burns with her inside. Falling she slowly dies, leaving a prayer on her lips.

"Please, protect her."

I watch before the memory fades. Sharra continues, "From that moment forward, we did everything in our power to protect you, bending the balance as much as we could. We watched you grow and made sure to cast illusions on those who wanted to harm you. Every time you used your powers the stronger they became and the closer you came to see the gods who wish to aid you in your destiny."

I look up at them, "My destiny?"

K'ythri nods, "A dark mind will come in the future, to your home of its people, you will play a part and shift the everchanging future. You will grow stronger, with every day but we'll never leave your side."

Looking up, I see the other gods appear before me. Smiling, I place my hand on my heart, "Thank you for watching over me all this time, I won't let you down. I'll survive, and carry the legacy my family has done for so many years."

Feeling their warmth and love, they begin to fade away, "I'm waking up."

K'ythri and Sharra hold hands, "We'll never be too far."

With that, they fade away.

Dream Over

Sitting up, I look around, still, in my dress from yesterday, I rush out of my room, running down the halls. Passing by everyone who stands in my way, I leave the palace going into town. Running through the busy people, I soon hear the sound of the ocean crashing against the cliff. 

Seeing the burnt house up ahead, I rush into the rubble. Pushing the broken wood and rocks out of the way, I find the stone floor, lifting a loose rock, I find a small box and a note on top. Standing, I read the note to myself.

"My dear daughter, Verdandi, if you're reading this then you've learned the truth. I wish I could have watched you grow. I still think of the smile on your face when I had to part with you. I hope that you remained safe on Midgard, in a home filled with love. I left his box, with the history of our family. Pictures of the past and what we've learned from the first to now. I hope this helps you in your future. Never forget that I love you and that I'll always be with you in your heart."

Tears spill from my eyes, crying by myself, I drown in my tears. Feeling my heartache I look up to see clouds form in the sky. Opening a portal I go through with the box and paper in hand. Trying to wipe my tears I look up to see Loki.


Dropping the items in my hand, the tears don't stop falling as Loki pulls me close. "Everything is going to be ok."

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