Chapter 5

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Getting ready to train with Natasha, I stretch my limbs before she steps in. We're still not on great terms, but I've been doing late-night strength training to prevent myself from causing another hole in the wall like last time.

Hearing the door open, I watch her step in, greeting her; she does the same. "Since your hand-on-hand combat is going well, we'll be moving on to weaponry."

Nodding, she shows me the variety of weapons, from guns, daggers, and bombs; it seemed like she had it all. Showing me a basic handgun, she begins to teach me how to take it apart and put it together. 

Getting the hang of it, I can't help but despise the feeling it holds in my hand. I've witnessed a lot of innocent people die at the hands of these. Shit, one's been aimed at me, and if it wasn't for my own stroke of luck, I would have died. I don't like the feeling of the same item weighing on me. 

As target practice came along, I took my first shot at the target. Hitting the paper target, I place the gun down and look at her. "So, what's next."

Staring at me for a second, she shows me the bombs and what they do, telling me it's better demonstrated on a mission. Then she shows the daggers and knives to me. Letting me hold the knife, I still feel a bit iffy about it, but it's better than a gun. 

Showing me some basic moves with the knives, we call it a day. Returning to my room, I shower, laying down on my bed to relax. My mind wanders on to a certain black-haired man. Thinking about him, I close my eyes, remembering his limited features. 

"Well, hello."

Jumping up, I look around, hearing a cocky yet soothing voice ring through my ear. "Hello?"

"Can you hear me?"

Hearing the voice in my head, I can't but feel my stomach clench. I speak calmly, through my mind, "Who is this?"

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who responded."

"And you're the one who spoke to me first."

"And you think I'll the one who reached out to a complete stranger out of nowhere?"

"Just, who are you!"

"I'm Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies."

My heart skips a beat, "Loki?"

"Yes, you seem to know me."

"Well, yes, I am the one who broke into your cell. Sorry...I think?"

"You! You're the human who paid me a visit."

Hearing his displeasure around humans, I sigh a bit, "Well, my name is Sol. It's nice to meet you."

He remains quiet for a bit, "You're quite composed for someone who communicates with a God, stars away from you."

I chuckle a bit, "Well, it's not the first time, but usually, I can see them physically as well."

"Interesting, assuming you can speak with Gods much like myself, what are you exactly?"

I think for a moment, "I don't really know. I always had these powers; at first, it was simple things like my hand glowing a bit and white magic shoots out or flying, but now, I'm learning that there is more than I even thought. I don't know if I'm even human; I think I am if that means anything."

He remains silent, thinking he left. I can't help but feel a bit hurt.

"Well, I guess you'll find out one day."

Hearing his soft voice, I smile, "You're still here? I thought you left."

"Well, I thought about it, but I have nothing better to do in this cell."

Hearing his stubborn tone, I lay on my side, "Well, I'll keep you company."

Hours go by with Loki and I talking about random things; as the seconds went on, my cheeks start to hurt from smiling so hard. Yawning a bit, he must have got the message because as I slowly fell asleep, the last thing I heard hear is a warm voice telling me goodnight. 

As the weeks went by, it consists of the following, training, late-night eating, building with Tony, and talking to Loki for hours on end. I slowly start to accept the death of my parents; it helps that I buried the remnants of their bodies and talk to them in their resting place. I wonder what they would think of me now, all those years of hiding now, here I am, working with the Avengers. 

The day finally came, my first mission; it was fairly simple, infiltrate a Hydra base and save the prisoners that reside there. Sitting on the helicopter nervously, we finally arrive at our drop-off point. With my dangers and gun on my side, I fiddle with my fingers. At least the suit is comfortable; it mimics Natasha's but mine is a dark gray. I didn't mind it as much as I thought as it grew to become my second layer of skin. 

Steve gives us a quick review of our mission; standing over the edge, we proceed to jump off the pain one by one. Being the last one, I let that wind blow in my face roughly. Growing closer to the ground, I take a deep breath. 

Holding out my hand, a shield forms, breaking my fall and shielding me from the tall trees. I can't help but be thankful I'm back on the ground. Finding the others quickly, we continue forward. Seeing the building up ahead, I listen and follow the commands going through my earpiece. Sneaking inside, I follow the route I spent the night before memorizing for the mission. Hiding from the guards that swarm the building, I find near the cells. 

Before I could get close to the door, the alarms go off; holding my tongue, I hear shooting in my earpiece. They must have found the others, booking it for the door; I open it to find various men and women. 

I touch my earpiece, "I found the captives from the east wing!"

I hear Steve respond, "I found the west."

Natasha speaks up, "Tony; I got the info; this place won't be up for long. Get the captives and go."

Rushing in, I start to break them free, "Hey! Stop!" Turning, I see the guards come and aim their guns; looking at the others, I speak up, "Stay close to me."

Shooting the guns at us, I pull up a force fielding. Trying to penetrate it, I smile confidently. Pulling out my other hand, I bast them, making them fall. I turn my head, "Follow me!"

Rushing forward, I keep my guard up as I retrace my steps. Meeting many guards along the way, I take them down with ease. Hearing explosions from afar, I curse under my breath. I protect the others leaving us surrounded. Seeing an exit, I point it to the others; watching them leave, I follow after them only for the wall to explode. Being pushed back, I hit the side of my head. The explosions draw closer as my earpiece starts to ring. Taking it off so I can focus, I stand up slowly, feeling trapped. With nowhere to go, I look up to see the ceiling about to cave in. 

I'll be crushed soon enough if I don't find a way out, trying to think of something, I think of an idea. It's definitely a long shot since I've never tried this out, but I hope this works.

Holding out my hand, I focus, imagining the woods that I landed in hours ago. My eyes widen; large portal forms in front of me, laced with white and aspects of silver; I turn to the others. Rushing through, I make it in just in time as the ceiling blocks out the other side. Landing on the ground, I groan in pain. Looking up, I see the others looking at me, shocked, looking behind them to see the captives. I give them a thumbs up.

"Mission accomplished."

Fate (Loki x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora