Chapter 13

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It's been a month and a half since I returned from Asgard; still, in constant communication with Loki, I have been practicing my magic daily and studying what my mother left for me. I've also picked up meditating and have stayed in spoke with K'ythri, Sharra, and the others frequently. Sometimes they would tell me stories about Mother when she was younger or tales of my family.

I've learned a lot about them, and some have even helped me with my magic and strategical skills. Like K'ythri and Sharra said, my magic has grown stronger the more I use it. So much so that the other day I woke up to all my items scatted in the air. 

Since today is my day off, I decided to go on a little trip to test out my powers. Seeing that it's 2 in the morning, I thought it would be best to start early. Locking my room door, I hold my bag tightly and teleport myself to a field somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I didn't bother to know where I was, but I knew that there was no one in sight. Mountains surrounded the area, leaving no one. It was a bit cold, but I didn't mind since the sun was shining down on me.

Dropping my bag I stretching my limbs, enjoying the fresh air. Laying out the many books gifted by Thor, I take a deep breath before sitting down. Focusing my magic, I feel it surround me; opening my eyes, I open the books and analysis the text within them. I picked up Asgardian some time ago; it came in handy when reading through the many books on magic. Feeling it circle me, I hum a sweet toon as I float around in the air peacefully. 

Hearing music, I look up and smile at the sight of Natja, the Goddess of Dance from the planet Injvira. She told me of how her movement of dance led her to create Injvira and how her people worship her through the magic they produce with their own bodily movement. 

Teaching me movements of her own, she shows me how to connect with my magic on a deeper level. Dancing alongside her, we laugh together as her magic lights up the world around us. As the music comes to an end, Natja fades away. 

Enjoying my time, I look through the numerous books, enjoying the warm-up. Seeing more on energy projection, I look through the text carefully. Smiling, I close the book before, focusing my energy and spreading it out in waves. 

I watch as flowers begin to bloom around me; as it does, I notice the sun being covered by light clouds. Rain begins to fall, making me slip into fits of giggles. Loving the feeling on my skin, I continue to spread my magic as the droplets fall on the growing flowers. Stopping, I watch as the clouds fade away, leaving me alone with a field of flowers. 

Looking at the mountains, I take off my shoes and start running. Loving the freedom of the wind blowing on my face, I open a portal and jump through. Running off a cliff I yell in excitement as I fall closer to the roaring ocean. Diving head in, I begin swimming with the fishes, looking at the many colorful corals and creatures I make my way up. Hitting air, I sore through the sky before opening another portal. 

Surrounded by trees, I notice a herd of boars running together; following after them, I smile as I float above them, watching them run as one. 

Gliding as high as I can, I look at the world below and smile, falling backward; I let the wind hit me as I slip through a portal and gently land on the damp bed of flowers I grew before. Looking up as the clouds pass me by, I enjoy the peace as the sun touches my skin. Surrounded by the drenched books, I quickly dry them off before placing them in my bag. Checking the time, I make my way back to my to take a shower. 

Hopping in, I sing a sweet song, I take my time going through the long process of washing my hair. Afterward, I slip into a sweater and some shorts. Falling onto my bed, I see it's only noon; yawning I lay my head down before drifting off to sleep.

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