Chapter 36

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The ship was falling apart; half of what's left of Asgard is dead, losing life, children, women, men. I stood beside Loki, he kept me close, but Thano's gaze never strayed too far from us. 

It's hard to stand, but I buckle my legs, hoping I wouldn't fall. He turns around, "I know it's hard to lose, to feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail, nonetheless." 

He picks Thor up by his neck, walking over to us slowly, "But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am."

Showing the glowing purple stone, I hear it call to me. I push the feeling away, showing no fear. He looks at Loki, "The Tesseract. Or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference."

He answers honestly, "Oh, I do. Kill away."

I turn my head, knowing I couldn't do anything, hearing his screams I cry out, "Alright, stop!"

Thor speaks through the pain, "We don't have the Tesseract, it was destroyed on Asgard." 

I suck in a breath, knowing Loki had it, knowing it was near. Loki looks up at him, I watch as it appears in his hand. I whisper in Loki's mind, 'Give it to me.'


'Just trust me, we have to switch places.'

Thor looks up at him in disgust, "You really are the worst brother."

As he stepped forward, a small illusion was cast, we switched places quickly. He became the ill woman and I the God of Mischief and Lies. I hold up the cube, feeling its power mix with mine little by little. I look down at Thor, "I assure you, brother the sun will shine on us again."

Thanos chuckles, "Your optimism is misplaced Asgardian."

"Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another, we have a Hulk."

Hulk jumps out, holding onto the Tesseract, Loki rushes off to Thor, helping him stand. Watching as Hulk gets beaten, Thor stands to fight Thanos only for him to get bound by metal. 

Heimdall sends the Hulk away, I hold back my tears as I watch Heimdall die before my eyes. My heart crumbles, my body aches. Getting hold down by Thanos guards, I watch as they take the stone, extracting it from its cube. Adding it to his collection, I frown and continue to keep up the trick.

"If I might interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."

I feel my illusion weaken but I hold it tightly, Thanos smiles, "If you consider failure experience."

"I consider experience experience. Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, Prince of Asgard...Odinson." I look at Thor, watching the desperation in his eyes, "The rightful King of Jotunheim...God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity."

Bowing my head, I feel the knife I snatched when the Hulk facing Thanos slips from my sleeve. Aiming it at his throat he stops me using the bluestone. 

"Undying? You should choose your words more carefully."

He grips my wrist making me drop the blade, I could feel my illusion running out of time but I had to keep it up. If I change back, then they could...

Wrapping his hand around my neck, I don't struggle as I glare at him, "You will never be a god."

Holding out my hand a portal opens beneath Thor and Loki, the last thing I heard was their cries as the pain came to an end and the world grew dark.


The illusion faded, as Sol's dead body dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Thor and Loki went through the portal, going far into the unknown, of space. Loki cried out, calling for Sol but he felt nothing.

Leaving Sol's dead body on the ship, they watch it explode into bits as Thanos leaves with his guards. Unknown to them Sol's magic cocooned her, shooting her through space. The Gods were overjoyed, as the new addition would join them very soon. 

They watch as her magic, burns her brown skin, as her muscles and bones changed from mounts of flesh to lakers of light. The power that resided in her burst working on their new shell there new anchor. She would awaken again, like the ones she loves that remain in the sky, spending time in the future rested in her hands.

Back in New York, two of Thanos' warriors began to land in New York City with the goal to collect the time stone. Making their way through space, Peter, Doctor Strange, and Stark find themselves in an odd spaceship journeying through the unknown. 

Thor and Loki, float unconscious through space, apart and far the portal split them apart. While Loki lands on a planet he remains unconscious while Thor is hit by a ship. Thor meets the Guardian of the Galaxies seeking refuge by them. Loki remains alone, in deep slumber as the scene of his one true life dying before him over and over again runs through his mind. 

Thor looks up at Grimora, questioning her knowledge of Thanos, he quickly discovers she is his daughter. Thor stood, placing his hand on her shoulder, looking down at her. "Family can be tough, our father imprisoned our half-sister in Hel. And then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. So I had to kill her. That's life though, isn't it, I guess. Goes round and round, I feel your pain."

They come up with a plan, Thor, Rocket, and Groot go to forge a weapon while the others stop him from getting the soul stone. Vision and Wanda are cornered by the other two warriors, only to be aided by Steve, Sam, and Wanda. Thano's children escape, leaving the five behind to head home to regroup at the Avengers tower. 

As the events began to unfold, and Thanos obtained the reality stone, getting away with his daughter leaving Peter alone with his teammates. With the rest of what's left of the Avengers, they regroup in Wakanda to protect Vision and the mind stone residing in his head, the purple titan and his daughter leave to retrieve the soul stone. 

Loki far on the planet Titan awakens from his nightmare quickly realizing it was nothing but a fragment of his reality. Hearing the loud crash, he recognizes the broken ship, drawing his blade he walks towards it. 

Stepping in, he sees a familiar face, Tony Stark. He watches as Mantis speaks up, "Your the one Thor told us about!"

"Thor? You know Thor?"


Loki felt a sense of relief knowing his brother is alive, withdrawing his weapon he steps forward. "Well well well."

They draw their weapons towards Loki, Tony widens his eyes, "Reindeer Games!?

Loki rolls his eyes, "Stark." 

He lowers his hand, "It's fine, he good now. Where's Sol, by the way, she should be with you."

His eyes darken, "Thano killed her, she died saving Thor and I."

Peter Quill envies the God, feeling his own pain as he knows his own love's life could share the same fate. Tony runs his hand through his hair, "Dammit."

Loki's anger for Stark and the other Avengers never faltered but grew in the past year after finding her in such a state. But his own grief trumped it far more, leaving the ship together they examine the area. Loki watches as Tony and Peter argue before they watch Strange search through time. 

Looking through time, through their reality there was only one path where they won. One path that has been forged since Sol's birth, and changed through her growth, relationships, and decisions. It would fall into place, with every step, every breath, and every second.

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