Chapter 12

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Loki has been through a lot throughout the past year, and it all started with the pesky voice lingering in his head. Feeling the result of isolation, doubt, and anger towards his father and brother, this voice fed into what he buried deep inside. This is what led him to try to kill his brother, Thor; this is what led him to let go of his hand and fall into space. 

During his time away, he used his "death" to his advantage. Following the orders that resided in his mind, he sought control of the Tesseract and Scepter with the promise to rule over the humans. He wished to be the king; he desired to be king; it was his birthright, and yet he fell as any villain would by the hand of the mighty heroes. 

He still remembers the anger he felt when it was all over; despite how tired he was, his mind was breaking ever so slowly. Everything changed when he saw a girl enter his lonesome cell. At first, he wondered who would be foolish enough to enter, but as he got a closer look, he saw that she wasn't dressed like the various agents he's already encountered. 

He knew of the advanced security, yet no alarms were set off; nothing triggered against her arrival. Was this a trap? Why was she here? 

Confused, he watched as she placed her hand on the transparent wall of his cell. As stated before by Fury, one scratch, and he would be sent to the bottom, isolated and more alone with his violent thoughts and cries. 

He watched, shocked that she melted the wall with ease and stepped through with not an ounce of fear. Their eyes never left each other; he saw this as a chance to escape, but before he could get up and run, she places her hands on his head. She spoke to him softly, "Your mind is faded."

The voice screamed in anger; pain seemed to fade away, much like the clouds that part for the sun to shine through. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of relief; he felt okay. Staring into her warm eyes, he felt a pull, an urge like he's been waiting for this moment his whole life. After a while, she seemed to pull away from her trance; she backs away, shocked, and began to realize who exactly he was. He felt hurt; the pain was small, but it was present; it was new. 

He quickly put the pieces together as to what he caused, he expected anger, yells, screams, but he got nothing of the sort. Instead, he received a calm human who began to pull some strings of her own.

"You were, being controlled, weren't you? Did you really want this, or were you forced?"

This shocked Loki; it made him question everything. Were the thoughts his own? The anger and pain were real, but were his intentions? He felt as though the burning hatred was real but was it really? He fell into a frenzy, staring at the girl as the alarms blared. He watched as she panicked, as a clear white dome surrounded her, protecting her.

It didn't take long for the various agents and Avengers to step into asses the situation. Guns up, one tried to shoot her, only for the bullet to be squashed like a bug. Steve tried to calm the girl down, but she didn't trust his words. Thor's brutish actions made the situation worst as he strikes the shield with his hammer only to get tossed back, breaking the doors far behind him.

Loki was shocked, watching as everything transpired only a foot away from him. Loki watched as she began to cry, as the fear swelled in her eyes. This crushed him, shook him to his core to see the girl crumble before him. Watching her spiral, he does something he never thought he would do. As his body moved on his own, he stood, cuffed, bound and all, and proceeded to walk over to her. Not understanding his reasoning, he bends down to her level, grabbing her attention. 

Wishing he could talk to her, he felt power swell within his veins. Feeling his magic surge, if only for a second, he speaks to her through his mind. 

"It's ok; everything is going to be ok."

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