𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑀𝑒 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑡

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"Join me" Alexis called from the backyard as I stood at the window looking down at her
"Join you with what?" I laughed
"Come for a run. It'll make you feel better"
"I haven't even got a shirt on yet" I said as I looked down at my half naked body, I was still only wearing my gym shorts from after my shower
"Even better"
Shaking my head I grabbed my shoes and climbed through the window before working my way down to the grass while Alexis clapped
"Yay!" She called as she ran off into the trees to which I followed with a laugh.

We ran through the trees, ducking under branches, weaving around bushes and jumping over rocks and logs for about a half hour before stopping by a small river where we sat down in the grass next to each other.
"You're getting faster" Alexis said softly as she laid down and started to stretch her legs out and I started to join her
"I'm still struggling to catch up to you though"
"Yeah, but you weren't the fastest wolf in the pack by almost double" she laughed
"I was never a wolf in a pack" I retorted before starting on some push-ups
"I'd join your pack if you had one" she said before climbing over and sitting on top of me causing me to stop
"No, keep going, it's hot" she giggled
I sighed and started to push my arms to lift us both up before slowly dropping back down then continuing.
"You're stronger Luka" she said quietly as she kissed the back of my neck.
I rolled her off me with a laugh and she got up and started her stretching again
"So what now?" I asked as I sat up and watched as Alexis bent down before sliding her feet apart and lowered herself down onto the ground
"Well" she started as she laid her upper half against her right leg "I'm going to finish stretching then we can go for another run? You're not even sweating yet" she continued as she now stretched herself over her left leg.
I hadn't even realised I wasn't sweating until she mentioned it.
"Alright then. Make me sweat" I challenged only to instantly regret it when Alexis snapped her head over to look at me with a smirk
"Oh, I will" she teased before hoping up and grabbing my hand.

The next hour we spent running before we stopped and Alexis started instructing me to lift different logs and rocks. After almost three hours we finally stopped and ran back to the lake she had showed me when we first met.
"That was by far, the biggest workout I have ever done" I panted as we stopped next to the water and flopped onto the grass
"Yeah, not gonna lie, I don't think I've ever pushed that hard either" she laughed
"Hey, wanna cool off?" She suggested as she kicked her shoes off
"Cool off?" I questioned as she stood up and turned her back to me. I looked at her as she smiled over her shoulder and slipped her sports bra up over her head then stood up and dropped her shorts revealing a thin dark purple lacey strip of fabric clinging onto her hips. I let my eyes linger on her body as she gently prodded the water with her toes
"You coming?" She questioned, her bare back showing under her long curls that hung from a high pony.
"I didn't put any boxers on" I admitted, my voice breaking while she pulled her hair free and shook it out.
"What a shame" she sighed as she dipped down into the water to cover her body and started to swim out.
Either I drop my shorts and go naked or I keep the shorts and have to get home in drenched shorts I thought to myself
"Take them off and join me, Luka" Alexis called then she dunked her head under
"Fuck it" I mumbled as I quickly pushed my shoes and shorts off and ran into the water, quickly hiding my body before she popped back up
"That's the way, Baby" she smiled as I swam over to her
"It's so much colder than I thought it would be" I laughed as she took my hand and kissed my cheek softly with a giggle.
"You complain a lot" she laughed
"Thanks, you're bossy" I returned
Alexis gasped and held her hand to her heart before splashing the water over my face and swimming off.


The sun was now high indicating the middle of the day and our half naked cuddles were being constantly interrupted by stomach grumbles and sweet giggles.
"We should probably go get something to eat" Alexis said, her breath warm against my bare chest
"There's not a whole lot at mine but I'm sure I could find something for us unless you're okay with going out?"
"I don't mind" she smiled softly
"Well, how hungry are you?"
"Babe, werewolves eat a lot. Like, a lot, a lot" she laughed
"Okay, let me run to the store and grab some things then I'll cook you something"
"Okay" she smiled.
We put our shoes on and and headed back towards home through the trees where I gave Alexis a towel and a change of clothes before I left for the shops. After putting a shirt on of course.
Once I got there I noticed a familiar dark haired boy with his two blonde dummies on either side through the window and crossed my fingers I would be able to avoid them inside.
The store wasn't overly big, about 6 or 7 isles, but I was able to duck in between them and avoid them all the way up to the registers where I was currently waiting on the last few things to be scanned and bagged.
"Well, lookie who we have here boys" Conor said, coming up next to me and throwing a bag of chips on the counter
"Hey Conor, I didn't know you guys were here" I lied as I pulled out my wallet to pay
"I'll make sure the boys are louder next time, give you the heads up" he laughed
I gave him a short smile as I picked up the two bags
"Well, don't let me keep you" I said, hoping to get away without having to talk to him any longer
"Oh, never. I'll always have the time for you little Luka. Say, what's all the food for?"
"Mum asked if I could do the shopping, so" I shrugged as I started to head towards the door, hearing the heavy footsteps of his goons behind me.
"You do your mums shopping all the time? What, do you cook for her too?" He joked as she gave the girl some cash and a wink
"She's my mum, of course I cook for her" I replied
"Talk about a mama's boy" one of the boys grumbled with a laugh
"What's for dinner Luka? Aren't you going to invite us?" The other added
I ignored them as started on my way home. I heard them all laughing as I got further away and with a quick glance before turning the corner I saw the two stubby ones joking about while Conor had his eyes transfixed on me.
Hopefully I don't see them again tonight.

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