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I am honestly in the midst of a mental breakdown because we were given 150 questions to answer, due in four days, and I have NO FUCKING CLUE HOW TO DO ANYTHING.

I don't think I've ever been this stressed in my entire life.

Like, well first things first i suppose.

I am in geometry. The class I am taking is geometry. Look on my class schedule - it says geometry.

my teacher gave us 150 questions of algebra to do.

The fuck?

I mean, yeah, i took that class last year, but that was LAST YEAR. YOu can't expect me to get all of this right.

And I understand absolutely none of it. Nope. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

And I've literally been crying so hard because I'm pretty sure I have issues with learning (kinda like ADHD) and I am so lost and i can't focus and i just can't understand and my parents are busy and can't help me and I understand that i don't blame them it's just that I'm upset at myself for not understanding what to do i suppose.

And you know, it's not even my fault. My teacher gave us the assignment and said 'here ya go, due on friday' and i just

But on another note, I went home from school early today bc my friend had a birthday party today and brought chocolate cake, ice cream, and candy and I got really sick because I mean it's food of course imma eat it fast.

So now I am stuck here with 150 geometry questions left to do and 6 fucking papers in biology.

This, my friends, is why I hate school and life itself.

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