i dont even know what to title this lmao

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you ever think you really know somebody, then they turn around and betray you and it's like a fucking kick to the face?

I know that feeling.

I'm so fucking over Ryan. I'm so over him. I'm not lying. I'm so over him and Kayla and what they did and now I'm calling them out because I realize that what they did to me was total fucking bullshit.

basically, Ryan called me like two weeks ago and we broke up, and I found out he was talking to Kayla. and not just talking, but talking. behind my back. and when I talked to her about it, she said they didn't plan on telling me until something happened.


the fuck? that's not how that works. you know, if he would have just come out and said 'hey, this isn't really working out and I kinda like kayla' yeah, I would have been hurt, but not to the point I am now. these were the two people I trusted most in my life and they were both gone in an instant. and yeah, it hurt, but it doesn't anymore. no, now I'm just pissed.

and earlier, I found out that he went to the game at my school to see Kayla. that's all, just to see her. and I know it shouldn't bother me, but it's as if they didn't know I was going to find out. again, it's not my business, but I'm still baffled that they had the fucking audacity to talk behind my back and continue to even after we broke up.

and Kayla was trying to earn brownie points with me today or something, complimenting my shirt and trying to talk to me and I just can't anymore.

I have been trying so damned hard to stay happy because the minute I stop, I'm going to flip my shit.

I don't have much more time to rant, I have to go to the school to sing the national anthem. so y'all better pray for those two that I don't see their asses because something will snap.

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