merry late-christmas!!!

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late merry Christmas?

I don't know. anyways.

crappy b&w photo of Bailey + pup ^^^

how was your guys' Christmas?? I hope it what super awesome. what all did it you get?

my favorite thing I got was the Blurryface cd (I almost cried omg) but I also got a supernatural shirt and fob shirt so yaaaayyyy :) also I got a computer/tablet thing + a $10 google play card and $25 in iTunes cards (I bought tøp's Vessel and self-titled albums + crybaby yessss)

my cousin came here from Missouri too so that's p cool

also ! thank you guys so much that commented tattoo ideas for me! I really appreciate it and I'm looking into a bunch of them :) I'll let you know what I decide on at some point.

I still need to do a chapter for resolutions but I haven't made them yet. I'll get on that tonight

wow my life is so boring lmao I thought I had typed like 500 words but nope this word was word #159 okay

oh! I also got a beginner's guitar too, so that's cool. I'm psyched to learn it ☺️

I'm gonna stop rambling now and let you get on with your lives haha. I hope you're all doing great. you ever need/want to talk about anything, hmu. I'm always here.

literally, always. this fucking app is my procrastination station numero uno

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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