my friends pissed help

65 13 17

so our vocal class sucks (excluding the three that actually try (which is half of the class)) and my friend knows this an she's pissed bc 'vocal's just a joke' and 'nobody takes it seriously except me'

and this is the point where intervene and say 'excuse'

and she whipped around and said 'no. don't give me that. you and kayla were laughing the entire time and didn't sing once'

and that kinda pissed me off

and I said 'no, we laughed the occasional time we sung horribly and yeah, we joked a bit, but it's not like we fucked off the entire hour. and don't give me any of your shit because I know you do/did it too, especially last year when you weren't the oldest one in the room. it's high school. not a fucking prison. we are allowed to laugh every now and again, even if you don't like it.'

holy fuck like damn I love the girl but she can be a bitch at times

QOTD: what's your favorite ice cream flavor?

AOTD: chocolate chip cookie dough all the Way man

it capitalized Way omg

✌️ peace out bitches ✌️

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