i'm sick as frick + semi-hiatus

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I kinda forgot this was a rant book and I should probably rant instead of just updating you guys on my shitty life haha so here goes

I've been sick with the flu for the past three days and have barely touched my phone bc of my raging headache and my friend texted me yesterday to see what was up and my mom saw me pick up my phone and immediately went

"oh well aren't you feeling better? guess you can go to school tomorrow, huh?"


aLL I DID WAS PICK UP MY PHONE. just because I look at it for the first time in half a week does not mean that I'm feeling better in the slightest. most people check when their phone buzzes and I did and got yelled at like shit calm down pls thanks

in better news, I stayed home from school today bc of a fever (bc I covered up with like 10 blankets and a heating pad last night and mom was worried that I was gonna die bc I was so hot and I was but it was so worth it) but now I'm feeling lots better and eating again and drinking a shit ton of water like fuck I don't think I even drank this much water last year okay

my dad has the flu now though lol rip him

aLSO I may or may not be doing a little one shot book for Valentine's Day. basically, you guys comment your favorite ships and otps and whatnot (bc I have like 👌🏻 this much imagination and like four ships hElp) and I write a lovey dovey one shot about them and I need to make 14 of these things so um comment away pls

another also is that I'm probably going on hiatus again. last semester a couple of my grades were total shit and I think a big problem is bc I was always too distracted, mostly by this app, to do the homework for class. now, it's not a permanent hiatus by any means. hell, it's more of an "on again, off again" thing bc there's no way I can stay off here for too long, let's be rational here. besides, if I'm gonna be posting that one shot book, I'll have to be on here at some point.

I'm not sure when I'm going on this break thingy, but it's gonna be soon. I really need to get my room cleaned and my life together bc as I said the last time, I'm growing up way faster than planned and I have nothing prepared and I need to get shit that way.

but I'll still be here. I'll check up here occasionally, and it may not always be to update but I'll be here. if you guys ever wanna talk, message me and I'll get to you as fast as I can.

stay safe, guys.

I'll be back.

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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