soap/training wheels

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I know almost all of you know who Melanie Martinez is but do y'all listen to her bc

she just released two new videos earlier for two of my favorite songs from the album and who am I kidding the entire fucking album is my favorite song lbh

anyways I thought I'd bless your ears bc yes

in other news, I just finished watching the duff finally damn it took me long enough and it was great. predictable, but pretty okay.

also the funeral was hard. I'm not one to cry in public but damn it my brother had such a hard time and had to be taken outside and when I see people cry I start to tear up but then I remind myself that I have a tattoo and therefore am a fucking adult so no

I need motivation to clean my room help me please

that is all.

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

EDIT: this damned phone isn't uploading the video ugh I don't know what to do. I recommend just going to her YouTube channel and finding the video bc it's amazing. also, the link is below. sozzzz 😔

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