fuckin robin williams man

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woah that title came out sounding weirder than planned but

what the hell even is this

like, I was watching jumanji last night bc for some reason I thought that maybe id be alright after a year

clearly I was wrong

I don't even understand why I cry because I didn't even know the man and sure, the fact that he was the happiest person ever to exist and he offed himself was like a fucking stab to the heart, but why am I still crying a year later it sucks and it hurts and ugh


sometimes I feel that doing the same thing would make everything so much better, but my fucking soft side tells me 'what about your brother, what's he gonna do without you?'

I'm sure he'll get by fine, but I just don't know anymore. it would be so easy to leave and to just be done with everything, but I'm too fucking scared to do so

which is why I've come up with another option that I may or may not use here in about a year (not killing myself, I promise).


wow this rant turned waaay dark real quick my bad

A/N: please please please please lovelies, if you ever feel like hurting yourself or even worse, talk to someone. I'm always here, and I know how bad it hurts to be going through shit and not having anybody to talk to. let me know what's wrong and I'll try my best to help. none of you deserve to feel that way, no matter how hypocritical I'm being right now. dm me, please. if you need face-to-face communication, I'll give you my FaceTime so we can talk. and there's always the suicide hotlines and I'll post them in a chapter by themselves after this. please be safe. I love each and every one of you so much, and you're not alone.

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