The many shameful phases of my life

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I see a lot of people doing this and I don't think it's a tag but I'm gonna go ahead and post mine out here for the world to see, so here goes

alternative/punk; ages 2-5?

I know it seems like two years old is pretty early for a child to be listening to that kind of music, but I did. it's what I was raised on. I grew up with Nickelback and Green Day and Eminem and I loved it.

country; ages 6-11

*i think I just puked a little*
i live in the middle of fucking nowhere in Kansas, so country music was gonna take over my life eventually. unfortunately. my mom loves country so that what I grew up on after she had control of what music I heard. until one day, that is, when I discovered that there was more than one radio station.

justin bieber; 11-12

***shudders massively***
i don't even know. I just don't even know. I will say, and I hate to do so, that he's kinda the one who opened the doors to music for me. because from him, I went on to

one direction; 12-15

oh god I was such a tiny child then. I actually loved them so much and I still think they're alright, I just don't obsess over them any more. like, I've finally forgot what their birthdays are so go me. but you see, after I was in this fandom for three years, I moved on to

5 seconds of summer; 15

I picked these guys up in march of 2014 and dropped them by the end of the year. and it's not that they're bad bc I still have their albums and whatever, I just don't like the members in general. anyways, this was like my pre-punk stage. before I was a smol emo bean

alternative/punk rock; 15-forever


wow okay

no but I feel that after listening to so many different types of music and trying to find myself, I ended right back where I started. because of 5sos I started listening to more nirvana, I went back to listening to a shitton of green day, I listened to so much more fob than what I used to, I even discovered that I heard mcr before I was an emo bean. now, I feel like I've found myself in this kind of music. the instruments, the lyrics, the members, all give such inspiration and meaning and I think that I'm now old enough and mature enough to actually hear what they're trying to say to me, and I'm going so strong because of that. I love this music and no matter how many people tell me 'it's just a phase', I really don't think it is. I hope not.

anyways, yeahh. so there's the story of your very own emo bean's music life. interesting.

QOTD: favorite tv show?

AOTD: supernatural lolololol cass and dean are totally fucking gay and also Sam is a moose who would make an alright couple with good ol Gabriel and also also Crowley is my spirit animal go me

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