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or am I

tyjo's lil laugh in the run and go during the do do do's kills me every time I'm so emotional

okay so fun story: I got high with a few friends the other night and lots of fun stuff happened. first off, while we were driving to said friend's house, our other friend was scratching some lottery tickets and long story short it said we won $600 fUCKING DOLLARS WHAT THE FKUCK IM FUCKINY

(pic is the $500 ticket)

turns out none of us can read and we definitely did not win $600 oh 😭😭😭

anyways, while we were at her house, I was already somewhat high and had just lit a cigarette and I don't even know what the fuck happened but something went wrong and I tried to flick the ashes in the ashtray and they ended up on the pillow on the couch and I didn't really notice and turned around and said 'woahhh that was close I totally thought I just got ashes on your pillow lmao' then I turned back around to find that I did actually get ashes on the pillow and I was swatting it trying to make sure it didn't set fire and it was a wreck oh my god

later, when we went into town to see if we actually won on the tickets (which, again, we didn't), they wouldn't let me go inside bc I was high as shit or something (and also brought the weed with us to town what the fuck was I doing I coulda been put in jail yikes)... anyways so I called my dude friend that I haven't seen since Ryan and I broke up and was like 'heyyy!!1!1 I'm high as shit right now and my friends just ditched me in the car you should come see me!!' and he was actually on his way when my friend found out I was calling him over and she made him go back and that pissed high me off so much lmao

I had a total of about 6-7 cigarettes that day jesus my throat burned so bad that night

and I was so fucking scared my parents would smell the weed on me like I was dousing myself in perfume and putting scented lotion in my hair bc somehow I got weed stuck in my hair???

also stressed out came on the radio sometime that day and I was so fucking emotional like I was crying it was gr8 guys

I legit just walked like a quarter of a mile and I'm fairly certain I'm dying holy shit I'm so out of shape help me

I have spring break next week yay!!! I'm so fucking excited bc last time I checked I've only got like 40 days left of school and I'm fucking done for the summer I'm so fuCKING EXCITED

I have that fucking rickroll song in my head someone shoot me

so turns out I can only post like 5 more chapters until I've hit the limit so I'll probably be making another rant book bc I still need to complain to someone lol but I don't know what to call it????

okay wow that run is killing me imma take a nap before I get to school

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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