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I've seen a lot of these rants coming up so I thought why not

I don't even know how to start this but how can making yourself look so-called "ugly" and then show your face caked in what looks like pounds of makeup make yourself feel better???


I guess, first off, how can somebody consider things like acne and glasses and mono brows etc. ugly? In case you haven't noticed, people that DONT have that shit are LUCKY. Now I'm not saying that they are bad things bc they aren't. Those are NORMAL HUMAN FEATURES AND PEOPLE LIKE ME CANT HELP WHAT THEY WERE BORN WITH.

And sure, since you don't have that stuff you think it's okay to make fun of it and call it (and us) ugly?????

Second off, when you go to make yourself look "ugly", you put fucking sharpie on your face to give yourself (pimples???) that are like half an inch big and?? And smear lipstick on yourself (because that's my normal face without makeup okay?? •_•) like that's actually how people look? And wearing glasses backwards?? (Multiple question marks are for an emphasis on my confusion of the amount of stupidity)

I've seen some with people sticking q tips out of their ears and toilet paper on their face and it's just like NOBODY LOOKS LIKE YHAT.

I think I've lost track of my rant.

And then, they call it the #dontjudgechallenge and for what reason? So you can make people feel horrible about what you're making out to be their imperfections, and then show how good you look when you hide your face??

Go ahead and think what you wish but if somebody does that with the caption #dontjudgechallenge you can be damned sure that imma judge your stupid bitch asses

I'm out

rants of a shitty teenWhere stories live. Discover now