
90 13 1

so turns out I'm gonna be on my period for my first day of school, and that's pretty fuckin great!!1!!3!2!

not really.

that was gonna be the only part of my rant until I remember how boys joke about periods when girls are mad and it's just like


shut the fuck up.

I started my day in a pool of my own blood; is that how you'd like to end yours?

but fr, my uterus is like eating itself from the inside and I'm fucking bleeding a waterfall from my vagina you do not get to make jokes about something you have NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT.

so, yeah, I'm going to be a little pissed off.

girls, next time some boy jokes about this to you, take my advice and punch him in the face. i mean, yeah, it may result in suspension, but no school!!!1!

I hurt and I kinda want some cheese and strawberries

an ice would also be nice

I totally rhymed ftw

I'm out

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