i think im gonna die ughhh

52 7 4

I hate school

also colds

like my nose is running so bad and I'm coughing up a lung (*cough*patty*cough*) every five minutes and I look and feel like crap all the time and ugh

but I'm going over to Ryan's after school so that makes it better

oh man I really wish I could remember all that happened last month, like I'm sure a bunch of shit did but clearly I'm struggling to remember it

I just realized I have a chem assignment to do oh no

i feel like I'm gonna talk about him a lot but it's whatever, because I have a funny story to share with you guys about Ryan (that just autocorrected to tuna omg)

so we were in the dollar store yesterday wasting time because I couldn't decide what to do, and he was in the costume section screwing around and he picked up this metal stake thing and tossed it at me, expecting me to catch it for some reason. anyways, long story short, I threw it back at him and something went wrong and he swung his arms out and knocked a mug off the shelf... we just kinda slowly looked up at each other (and I thought that thing only happened in movies and books but I was wrong it was awesome) and I was like 'oh fuck we gotta go' so we like swerved in and out of different aisles until we reached the door and we booked it and it was great.

I HATE IT WHEN teachers give assignments but give us two days to work on it and I forget about the extra day and proceed to stay up until midnight to finish the assignment before it hit me

also omg so Ryan got me this watch and it's beautiful as fuck and he always spends money on me and he's stupid but anyways.. so I wore this gorgeous thing to school yesterday to show it off bc of course why not and I take it off 8th hour so I can work on my painting in art and not ruin the watch. I have horrible memory so I sat it right beside me so I wouldn't forget it.

we were almost home on the bus when I realized that my bitch ass left that damned thing sitting right on that table

I should be getting it about second hour today from my friend so that's awesome

I'll probably have more to rant about after I'm through with hell, so I'll be back (terminator af)

✌🏻 peace out bitches ✌🏻️

(mukeismysunshine ^^^ 😉😉)

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