fucking school

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arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to

sorry this is amazing

anyways, my day at school today was shit. shocker.

it started out pretty okay. I was showing my friends my new tat and was excited and all then I got out of most of English bc of a college thing and then we had lunch which is the most important part of the day obvi. in Spanish we had an assignment but I was on tumblr oh how surprising lmao. rn I'm listening to this song that's like an acoustic screamo how interesting

anyways I started feeling sick in pe and asked to call mom to come get me but she said no so I had to sit through the rest of that hour with a raging headache and possible strep. THEN I had vocal, and I'm so sick of this fucking teacher oh my fucking god. first off, she can't sing worth shit and you'd think that a vocal teacher would know how to, you know, vocal?? but no. of course not. anyways, I couldn't sing bc my throat right? but she didn't care. she made us sing and long story short I started swallowing blood from the inside of my throat bc it was so raw from trying to hit those notes and then she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom bc I was literally three seconds tardy so I 'had time already to do it' like excuse you bitch you're the reason I'm coughing up my inside fluids thanks. but the other reason she gave me for having to stay in the room was bc our accompanist was there because for some damned reason the vocal/band teacher doesn't know how to play a piano and teach? fuck. fuck. I hate her so much. I told kaylazimm2018 if the bitch didn't learn to sing and stop butchering my ears I was just going to walk out of the room and I probably would have had I not been exhausted over nothing.

so then I had to finish the day in art and I basically bullshitted my way through that hour, so here I am on the bus listening to quiet but punk music to maintain my emo-ness and I still have a raging headache and also more possible strep.

but that's my day. I seriously hope your guys' was better. how are you all?

I just saw my old teacher walk across the school lawn in super short shorts oh my fucking god I'm snorting

so yeah.

fuck I have so much homework tonight can someone just kill me now

I miss my chem oh no bbys come bak

I might try to take a short nap now okay I hope you lovelies are doing fantabulous so long and goodnight

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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