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I really wanted to rant about something but I don't know what to rant about so I'll just rant about my hate for the word defiant

like I've been on wattpad for a year or two now and like yeah I get that some may not be great spellers or English might not be their first language but FOR FUCKS SAKE IF YOU WANT TO SAY DEFINITELY THEN SPELL IT FUCKING RIGHT

I don't know how many times I've seen people do this and it actually annoys the fuck out of me like???

c'mon guys, it's one word. one word. you can take a few minutes to learn to spell it correctly.

anyways, so even though I know it's used correctly in the stories I read (i say this bc if I open a story and the spelling sucks ass I will leave and I will not shut the door behind me) I think that they're spelling definitely wrong and it makes me want to shoot someone

but when I see it used correctly in a sentence oh my god I get like a flood of relief

I'm a fuckin grammar nazi it's so weird I know

anyways I was also just reading into the dark by wonderfulsause and I recommend this and the rest of her stories because she is such an amazing writer and person in general so like go check her out

I'm like a free publicist what the fuck

✌️ peace out bitches ✌️

^^^ Charlie Bradbury reference did anybody else get that? no? okay I'll leave now

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