Chapter 26: Me and toilets have this deeper connection

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Chapter 26|Me and toilets have this deeper connection


Fuck Omertà.

Why couldn't I just spill a little something to Janice and get away with it without having to die. Bit extreme to be fair. I mean even if I give a version of the diluted truth I'd have a bullet stuck in my head. How dramatic.

"Um...can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, as several pairs of eyes watched my reaction. I didn't exactly start going all dramatic princess and throw myself on furniture, I sorta just blanked out for a sec.

Faust looked at me steadily, giving nothing away.

Aurora spoke up with a hesitant smile. "Come on, I'll show you," and we headed upstairs, past the grand staircase and fancy landing. The house was beautiful. With tuscan colours, hues of browns and golds and creams. Whoever decorated it had taste.

"It's right over here, I'll stand guard for you," I think that was her attempt at a joke. Props to the girl for making me try to laugh, but I had the fun juice sucked out of me and now I just wanted to sleep.

"Thanks," I replied, and slammed the door shut.

I didn't really need to pee. I just needed to get away from everyone. There's a hell of a lot of nosy people down there. And I wasn't planning on giving them an oscar worthy mental breakdown. So I chose the next best thing.

I think me and toilets have this deeper connection. It's like my personal therapist. Mental breakdown: go to the toilet. Need to skip a test: go to the toilet. In the mood to relieve yourself: go to the toilet. Even the stupid toilet was fancy. It was making being kidnapped very hard. I was practically staying at a hotel. I love hotels. Hotels don't make me sad, they make me happy. Very happy. This hotel was a bitch.

More specifically the people in it.

Now I'm going to surprise you by telling you what I did next. I cried. You totally didn't guess that. But this particular cry was more like a defeated overwhelmingly depressing cry. Not angry, not burning, just really really sad.

I cried for my parents, who kinda just did one and told me to deal with it. I cried for Fallie who I forgot about. I even cried because I remembered the stupid chemistry fair and then some more because I remembered we had homework. Then I cried for myself. Like damn, how much water did I have in my body? I didn't even know where all this was coming from.

How the fuck am I supposed to cope with all of this? I'm alone, in a house full of strangers and murderers. People who I've never met in my life - well except the Genovese siblings but that's different. And to top it all off I find out that daddy dearest is a drug lord. A motherfucking drug lord. Look I had my suspicions, and I was very aware that dad had this weird criminal vibe about him, but which child would willingly admit all of that? The man's not even in the same country as me now!

"Heidi, you okay in there?" Aurora spoke up softly. No offense, but she didn't do it like Dakota. I miss that girl. Gosh I don't even know what she looks like.

I sniffed, wiping my face before replying. "Yeah I'm good. Just give me a second."

Give me a century. I never want to leave this bathroom again. I could survive all alone in here if I had to. Just lock myself up with an endless supply of water. I'd literally live naked all the time too and take constant baths until I become all pruny and soggy and they find me all shriveled up.

Sighing defeatedly, I got off the toilet and splashed some cool water on my face. Then I did all that deep shit when you look at yourself in the mirror and question your existence. But that didn't last long since I started flirting with myself. Crying never made me look so good. My caramel skin was practically glowing.

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