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Hello readers,

If you've come this far, thankyou. You've reached the end of this book and I sincerily hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to say a huge thankyou to all of you wonderful people for giving this work a shot and not giving up on it. For coming along on this journey with me. This book is very special to me. It's not the first book I write but it's the first one I'm proud of. I'm very proud of it. Through the course of it you can see improvement in my writing, I believe. It's taken years to get here, to the end. Now that I'm here, I don't know how to feel. Ecstatic? Yes. Relieved? Yes. Sad? Very. But the prominent emotion is this one resembling nostalgia, though it's not quite that. It's the feeling that stirs when you reach the end, and it's weird, honestly.

But I'm not going to feel sad.

From now on I'll be preparing new projects and finally getting the chance to write them. I have so many stories to tell and little time to do so. I hope some of you can follow me through to my next works and join me as the journey continues. 

I know this book isn't perfect, I can say that with certainty, but If it made you feel anything, comforted you in any way, made you smile, then it's perfect to me. Some of you left comments saying it did, and that's the best possible compliment you can give to me as a writer, if I can be considered one. Well, as a person too.

So again, I'm so touched to see this book grow and my audience grow so drastically. I never ever expected to get half way where I am. 

The biggest thankyou to all of you.

If any of you could comment what this book made you feel, learn perhaps, what you liked or did not, if you have any constructive critisism, any random story to share, I'd love to hear it. Truly.

That's all for now.

All my love and stars,

N. Sora. Jungkook.

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