*W h e e z e* I'm sorry-Kink

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I am so sorry about this. I was looking for inspiration and went out for ice cream cause it was just ducking hot outside. As I was there, I saw frozen chocolate bananas... And thought, "huh. Dick on a stick. What if Killer put HIS dick on a stick or something."(He doesn't put his dick on a stick) So...... yeah. I'm not proud of this, not completely. So... Smut(?) Warning? It's not sex, but it's a blow job... so.... yeah. This takes place in a past rewrite. Anyway, here we go!


It's been a few months since Killer became neutral and starting to live with Ink in the Doodle Sphere. He loves it there, the way that the grass can change color depending on what river of color is nearby. How some plants and random objects change colors with Ink's emotions. How there are floating islands that are smaller chunks of all the AUs. He loves that when he goes closer to those islands, gravity starts to become weaker. He loves the endless space to run around in and play games in. 

But he loves Ink's house even more. Cross sometimes lives there too, but mainly spends time at the Star Sanses base. So Ink has made it that he can still reach everything, but there is enough room to have even Fresh, who's the tallest by a few feet, inside. He loves the details he's put into his house, even though not many people visit. He loves that Ink had made him a room when he came to ask where he could stay. He loves the way how Ink somehow made his ceiling, throughout the house, look just like space and move very slowly. 

He loves the times Ink bursts into his room, dodging the knife thrown at him, and tackles Killer to wake him up. How they would go to different AUs to both check on them and buy food to cook. He loves to make videos of him and Ink making food to post onto multiverse-tube. It's how the multiverse learned Killer is neutral now, and that Ink is also somewhat neutral until an AU is hurt in the process. As these months have passed by, Killer has learned things about his housemate:

1. Despite his house being neat when Ink starts to work on something the house becomes a war zone.

2. Ink has a notebook collection in his room. He doesn't know what's in them, but he's seen Ink writing in them often.

3. Ink tends to forget what Killer looks like. Often asking where this or that feature went or how come he was shorter. Sometimes it's the other way around: asking how come he has scars on his hands or when he got taller.

4. Ink sometimes becomes sad, despite taking a drink of the yellow paint. He sometimes just sits there, wherever he is, and doesn't move for hours at a time.

5. Despite Ink saying he doesn't, he has a step stool in almost every room. Killer had to promise not to say anything since Ink threatened him with the stool afterward.

6. Ink knows the other Multiverses, or at least the Inks of the Multiverses. He figured that out when he walked in on one of their meetings. Needless to say, he won't tell anyone else about that.

7. Ink loves sweets. Chocolate and nice cream are his favorites. He loves otter pops and anything else that's cold. (Killer is somewhat disturbed that Ink sometimes just bites into his nice cream.)

7. Despite the few "that's what she said," jokes that Ink tells. He doesn't know much about sex. Killer and Lust would make jokes when hanging out with Ink, and he would stare at them in confusion. 

Killer sighs as Ink pour the juice into the popsicle molds. Ink was making orange juice popsicles, those are his favorite to snack on when checking the AUs. Killer watches, chewing on his banana he snagged from the bunch before Ink could yell at him. He loves this slower than normal pace for him, it's calming to him. He watches as Ink dips the bananas into chocolate before placing them into the freezer. Ink smiles at him.

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