Crazy Fans on the Loose

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"Do you have Skittles?" I asked the cashier for the tenth time. I had dragged Chelsea and Matt with me to 7 Eleven since I wanted some candy. Chelsea told me it wasn't a good idea but I told her it would be fine if we just disguised ourselves. I mean c'mon there's like millions of blondes out there!

Matt groaned, "Why did I have to dress up? I wasn't even on TV!" He has been grumbling for the past five minutes and I was really tempted to--

You know what? Nevermind.

"So? It's fun to dress up! Don't you feel like an agent undercover?"

"Oh, sure. Minus the fact that, we aren't agents," he gave me a look and crossed his arms. I shrugged, he has problems.

Chelsea looked around nervously, we have been holding up the line for the past 10 minutes and the people did not look happy. We actually had to get Matt and his charms to calm down the woman behind us who looked like she wanted to burn me alive.

"Ma'am for the last time we do not have Skittles. They ran out." The cashier dude said, sounding annoyed.

"How can you not have Skittles?" Seriously? It's a gas station!

"We just don't."

"This is a gas station! You guys have everything! What the heck?" By now I was extremely frustrated did he not know that some girls get moody and hungry?

"Look, I don't care okay. Just get whatever it is you're getting and stop with your whining it's getting on my nerves! If you're gonna pay, then pay if not then leave!"

Matt narrowed his eyes at the guy, "Talk to her like that again buddy, and you won't wake up to see tomorrow."

I nudged Matt on the side, "Matt, I can take care of myself."

Matt held his glare for a while longer and then eventually turned his head to the side.

Chelsea looked around, "Lets just go Sophia!"

I sighed, "Fine." I grabbed some chocolates and put them on the desk.

The guy grunted but started scanning the items while glancing at Matt every five seconds.

He put the stuff all in a bag and handed it to me. "Have a nice day," he smiled but it looked a little forced to me, actually it looked too forced.

"Go to hell," Matt muttered under his breath while pushing the door open.





No words can describe how I felt right now. I was a complete mess. Simon's news was a shock to all of us. Niall seemed okay about it and didn't seem to mind as much - but this is Niall we're talking about. He's the type that can make the best of any situation, no matter how bad.

After Simon told us the news, he immediately made us start packing. He told us that they would be taking us to Sophia's tomorrow and I couldn't help but feel anxious. Would they actually accept us living there? I mean who in their right mind would put their lives in danger?

Not me, that's for sure.

"Stop worrying so much," Louis gave me a hard pat on the back, "just think of this as more of a vacation."

"Who said I was worrying?" I defended.

Liam scoffed, "'re pretty easy to read, Harry."

"Well, how can't I worry? Aren't you guys the least bit preoccupied about the current situation?"

Liam nodded, "Of course we are. Do you think we're happy to leave the people we care about?"

"Well I mean-"

Louis started folding his clothes and quickly interrupted me, "We just have to make the best of this situation."

"What about you, Zayn?"

He looked up and shrugged, "I agree with them."

"Plus, the girls are nice." Niall said, "They're really cool, I'm pretty sure they'll understand."

That wasn't the point....

I shook my head, "Guess, I don't have a choice."

I hope this isn't the wrong decision. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, I'm stressing too much about this. I just need to take a deep breath and think positive this is for the best of us and the girls!

Not to mention this is our fault to begin with.

Geez, Simon you better be right on this one...



The gas station is close to our house so we always went walking. Right now, we were headed back home and everything was silent. Chelsea was being paranoid and glancing around every 10 seconds, Matt was texting, and I was just too lazy to talk. I wasted my energy on that creep at the gas station.

Stupid, useless, good for nothing, cashier.

I figured we didn't need to wear the glasses or hats we had on so I made Matt carry them, Chelsea on the other hand, said she'd rather keep hers on, something about it being dangerous. I don't see what's so bad about it but oh well.

"Isn't that the girl who was caught in the bathroom with One Direction?"

"I don't know...she does look like her!"

I turned around and sure enough there were two girls, standing in the corner glaring at me like I was some turd. Best thing to do is lie. "Uh...sorry but I don't even like One Direction you've got the wrong girl!"

"Do we look stupid to you?" Are they really going to ask me that? Because we both know the answer to that.

"There's a lot of blondes in this world why would it be me, of all people?"

The tallest girl stopped and glanced at her friend, "Hey that's true Cor."

"Shut up, Ally! Lets go!" She grabbed her arm and dragged her the opposite direction. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Close call."

"Told you this was a bad idea!" Chelsea exclaimed, also seeming relieved. "Lets go before we really get recognized."

"You guys attract trouble everywhere you go." Matt muttered, shaking his head.


This chapter is a filler.

Blinding LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora