Mystery Girl

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So I changed the cover! Hope you guys like it<3

I'll probably take longer to update because of school but I promise that I will try to update ASAP!

Now on with the story!



"Psst Zayn."

I growled, "Go away." I shifted my body and closed my eyes tighter. I'm tired and all because of those idiots who decided to watch 21 Jump Street late at night.

"Uh really shouldn't do that."

That definitley sounded like Harry.

"Harry...shut up and let me sleep."

"I would, but we have school and-" I cut him off.

"I'll wake up in a second. Just five more minutes."

"No but, it's just that-"

"Harry. Five. More. Minutes." I stated, slowly.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..."

Warn me? About what?

I held on tighter to the pillow, it was really warm and this room was like the North Pole, it wasn't helping the fact that Louis kept hogging the bed either.

I felt the pillow I was holding move. I felt my muscles tense. Pillows don't move...

"Dude what the hell?!" I opened my eyes and I came face to face with Louis.

"What the- oh my god." I turned around and saw Sophia sprawled close to the wall she was staring at Louis and I giving us a shocked look.

"It's not what it looks like!" Louis and I yelled out, before she started jumping to conclusions.

"I thought Louis was the one that was suppose to be acting gay." Niall commented.

"I told you so!" Harry exclaimed.

Sophia stood up, "I'll leave you guys alone..."

"What? No!" Louis shouted, "Zayn was the one touching me!"

I shook my head at his outburst, "Why would you say that? You're making it worse."

"You guys never fail to surprise me." Liam clucked his tongue and walked out of the room.

Niall laughed, "...and here I thought you were straight." He followed Liam out the door.

I gave him an irritated look, "I am straight."

Harry was holding his phone and grinning from ear to ear, "I am so showing this to Matt and Chelsea once I see them!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Harry..."

"Too late, brother." He left the room leaving both Louis and I alone.

"I'm never sleeping on the floor again." Louis grumbled.

"I agree."


I sighed, this morning was definitley a disaster. I put my chin on the palm of my hand. My English teacher was saying something about a project. I wasn't really paying attention though. I was too tired to care.

"...I will pair you up with partners. No complaining." Everyone groaned. It's the second day of school and we have a project? Great. She went down the list. Some people got with people they knew, others were not so lucky. "Jacob and Alexis."

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