Clubbing Gone Wrong

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Matt eyed us warily, "Let me guess? You want me to take you?"

Chelsea and I smiled sweetly, "Pretty please?"

He sighed, "Fine."

"Yes!" I cheered.

Matt started taking off his shirt, we were used to him sleeping shirtless he always did it. It was uncomfortable yeah, but we've known him since he was scrawny, little, Matt. So we've grown pretty used to all his weird habits.

But that doesn't mean I don't do anything about it.

"Matt, put your shirt back on. You're eighteen and Chelsea and I are teenage girls." I crossed my arms, "Be a little respectful. My room is a sanctuary not a strip club."

He glanced at me and shrugged, "Are we really going to discuss this...again?"

"Yes! Taking your shirt off is uncalled for! We're ladies."

Matt snorted, "Sorry what?"

I glared at him, "I said, we're ladies."

"I don't think eating five pizza slices under fifteen minutes counts as lady-like."

"I can't help it, okay. I'm a growing girl who needs her nutrients. Just put on your shirt dang."

"Nope," he laid on my bed casually, "Plus, it's not like we're attracted to each other. So why does it matter?"

I thought about it for a bit, "That's true...ugh fine whatever."

He turned to the side, "I'm going to sleep."

"So first you invade my room, then you remove your shirt, and now you're taking over my bed?!"

Chelsea who had been quiet for a while glanced at both of us and sighed. "Round two."

He put his hands on the back of his neck and closed his eyes. "This is the least I deserve for all that you've made me go through today."

"Can you at least sleep on the floor?"

He turned to the side, "No."

"Please Matt?"

"No is no." he paused for a bit, "Don't even start with with your whole male and female shit. It's not going to work."

Chelsea stood up, "Just give up already. He's as stubborn as you, sadly."

"But- but Chelsea!"

"Let's just go to sleep. I'm also pretty tired."

"Fine, but you sleep in the middle."

"The hell? You act like I'm some creep!"

I ignored him and laid down next to Chelsea. "G'night bestie...oh and Matt."

"Bitch." Matt muttered.

"Can you two shut the hell up!"

Matt and I didn't dare speak again.


I woke up when I heard my alarm clock ringing. Crap. We were planning to leave today to arrive at the concert on time. I still haven't asked my mom for permission but I'm sure she'll let me...she trusts Matt way too much.

I glanced at the two freaks who were still asleep and noticed how Matt had wrapped his arm around Chelsea's waist.

...and this is why I didn't want to be next to him.

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