I Hate Good-Byes

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School has taken over my life. So sorry for the late update.



What the hell was I thinking?! Why did I even come again? Ugh. I'm so stupid! I should have just stayed with Sophia. It's been silent ever since we got in the car and I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous and uncomfortable. I glanced at Harry and saw that he had his eyes on the road. I gulped and fidgeted with my fingers, why am I nervous all of a sudden? Is it because he's a famous singer? Or could it be because he's gorgeous? But...but I mean I think all of the guys are good looking. So why do I get so flustered around, Harry? Great, Sophia's weirdness is rubbing off on me. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear Harry calling my name.

"Chelsea, uh Chelsea." I blinked and turned to look at Harry who was looking at me and glancing at the road every five seconds.

I felt my cheeks grow warm, "Sorry what?" He smiled letting his dimples show.

"I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yourself. I mean we barely met and I don't know much about you. I'd tell you about me, but it's pointless seeing as how magazines always gossip every single detail about us."

Harry freaking Styles was asking about my boring life?

Oh my god.

"Well uh...I'm going to be a senior and," I paused and glanced at him nervously, "I love Hot Pockets." He chuckled at my last comment.

"Hot Pockets?"

Crap. I shouldn't have said that. Idiot.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Well I appreciate the honesty," he turned to look at me and smiled, "but Hot Pockets, really?"

I slapped a hand on my forehead, "Just shoot me."



The car ride was silent. It kind of bothered me, since I'm not really a quiet person to begin. Not to mention it was an uncomfortable silence. The type you want to run away from.

I sighed. Ever since yesterday I've been in a bad mood.

And all because of a certain dark haired, hot and British, did I mention hot? Boy.

"We're here," Louis said all of a sudden.

We all got off of the van and stood in front of the police station. We waited for Harry and Chelsea who were taking their time getting off of Matt's car.

Louis smirked, "Oi! Hurry up you two!"

Chelsea hurriedly made her way towards us with Harry trailing behind.

We all walked inside ready to get Matt and the girl out of jail. I was praying that he wouldn't kill me and would kill Louis or even Chelsea instead. As mean as it sounds I want to keep living, thank you very much. We saw the same chubby police officer from yesterday, standing at the entrance.

He grunted and crossed his arms, "You kids don't know when to quit do you?"

Liam cleared his throat, "Well we came to get both the girl and our friend out of jail. We have evidence that shows that it was all an accident." He took his phone out from his pocket and started playing the video that he recorded of Matt. I was right behind him watching it and giggling. Ahh! Matt's faces were priceless.

Chubs scratched his beard in deep thought, "Seems like it was an accident after all however, he was still prancing around the park shirtless. That's still violating the law."

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