Sophia the Genius (not)

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you simply just don't know how to react? Because right now, that's exactly how I feel! First meeting One Direction in our underwear and now...this?! Am I in heaven? I mean seeing us in our undies is a no-no but seeing them is a completely different story. Not that I mind. Nope. Not at all.

Never in my life have I been through so many embarrassing situations. At least not all in a row! I stared at the five boys before me, not knowing what to do. I mean can you blame me?! It's not everyday that you see a famous boy band running inside the girls bathroom in only their boxers and tank top...except for Niall who only had his boxers.

Harry cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. "Well, are you ladies going to help us or not?"

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Chelsea who was staring at Harry's chest.

"Uh..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

Chelsea spoke up nervously, "H-How?" Was the only thing she managed to say.

Harry scratched the back of his neck, "Niall here, bumped into this girl and she started screaming which caused other girls to come and chase after us," he stopped and took a deep breath, "and then they all crowded us and we had no choice but to take off are top clothes in order to escape."

"Fans can get pretty crazy," Louis said.

I felt deeply offended by that. We're just dedicated.

"Anyways..." Harry continued, "Security tried holding them off but they weren't enough, thankfully we ran as fast as possible and ended up here. But I swear we didn't know this was the girls bathroom!" Seriously, do people not read nowadays? It has a freaking stick figure with a dress! It's not that hard to figure out!

"Uhh...hold up, I need a moment." I walked to the corner of the bathroom and started dialing.

Breathe Sophia, it's One Direction. Breathe.

Screw it, who am I kidding? I want to ask them so many questions! No wait, but first things first, I should get their autographs.

"Hey Soph, what's up?" Matt's deep voice came from the other line.

I shook those thoughts away and replied, "I need you to come to the girls bathroom."

"Why? So I can be accused of being a pervert? No, thanks."

"Look, just come this is a life or death situation!"

"Damn it! You don't need to scream," he grumbled, "I'll be there in a bit."

I smiled, "Thanks Matt!" I ended the call and turned to look at Chelsea and the guys who were staring at me expectantly. "I uh got some help."

They need to put something on. It's really hard for me to concentrate, dang it!

Not even two minutes passed and the door bursted open revealing Matt, who was breathing heavily.

He looked at the guys and then at us. He did that for about a minute until he finally opened his mouth.

"What the hell is going on here?" He narrowed his eyes at the boys.

"Nothing they need our help." I said before there was a misunderstanding. "And I need you to go on a mission."

Matt coughed, "Excuse me?"

"Go buy them some clothes."

He shook his head, "Not gonna happen."

"They need our help, Matt!"

He crossed his arms, "There's a flock of girls running around the mall. Do you really think I'm going to risk myself for these idiots?"

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