To Kiss or Not to Kiss

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What am I doing? Why did I tell Matt to stay? Normally I'm always kicking him out! It's not right to have a guy in the room with me. Granted, he always crashes my bed without my permission so he always ends up sleeping over but somehow - somehow it was different this time. I wasn't acting like myself. What's wrong with me? Why am I so nervous? It's just Matt. Matt Williams. My best friend. The guy who makes fun of me. Who annoys me. Who feeds me. The guy who's always there for me.

The guy who likes me.

Holy crap! I shouldn't be doing this. I'm playing with his feelings. This isn't right. He doesn't deserve this.

The door of the bathroom opened and out came Matt without a shirt. Normally, this was a normal occurrence. I mean Matt has slept shirtless multiple times in my room. But this time it was different. I couldn't look at him as he walked around my room with a towel in hand.

"Your shower is way better than mine," Matt commented as he dried his hair with the towel.

I didn't look at him and instead focused on getting my bed ready. "You're a creep." I joked.

He scoffed, "I don't want to hear that from you of all people."

I threw some pillows and a blanket on the floor. My back was still to Matt's, I still couldn't look at him. Why am I so nervous? I've seen him shirtless multiple times.

"You invite me to sleep over only to have me sleep on the ground?" Matt clucked his tongue in disapproval, "That's no way to treat a guest, Sophia."

I rolled my eyes and finally mustered up the courage to look at him, "It's for me, stupid."

He raised both eyebrows in surprise and then shook his head, "You're not sleeping on the floor."

I clapped my hands and threw myself on my bed, "Oh! So you're letting me have the bed all to myself?"

He shook his head, "No. You and I are sharing the bed, idiot."

I propped myself up with one elbow to look at him. "I refuse."

He shrugged, "I wasn't asking."

"Matt that's not-"

He waved a hand to stop me, "Proper. Yeah, yeah I get it. I'm not going to kiss you or try anything. Trust me."

I eyed him suspiciously and quickly got up, "Fine. I'm just going to change into my PJ's. Is it just me or is it hot in here?" I asked, as I picked up my shorts and t-shirt.

"Sorry," Matt smirked.

I threw a shoe at him and quickly made my way inside to change. As I slid into my shorts and shirt, I began to feel nervous again. My heart was beating fast. Why? I was so confused. Back in the hotel Matt and I shared a bed and my heart never felt all weird like right now. I bit my lip, what's going on?

I walked out of the bathroom only to find Matt laying comfortably in my bed, skimming through my One Direction magazines. Hey, what can I say I liked the posters, okay?

"These magazines are for ten year olds, Sophia." he snorted, "I mean look at these dumb quizzes over who'd be your ideal date - Niall or Liam? Neither if you ask me."

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