Shhh...It's a Secret

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It's been over a week and Matt hasn't visited once. The same day I confessed to Zayn was the day I told Chelsea about what happened and as expected she wasn't surprised.

"Sophia, Matt's liked you since we were in middle school. Don't blame yourself for not returning the feelings."

I was so oblivious. All this damn time.

"Since middle school...?"

"Yeah, but either way Matt wants you happy whether it's with him or someone else if he didn't he wouldn't have stuck with you for all these years. Besides you like Zayn, right?"

I didn't have an answer. Did I like Zayn? I'm not even sure anymore.

I wish I was a Chipmunk. Or a cartoon character so I can re-draw my life.

I really needed it.

I laid on the living room couch and ate from the large tub of Cookie Dough ice-cream.

Food makes my misery less miserable.

Niall walked in and gave me an odd look. Everyone knew about what happened and the guys were a bit awkward when approaching me at times. Not that I blame them. I've been a mess.

Yes, I'm sad and mad at myself but I know deep inside that sobbing like an idiot all day and hating on life won't make it any better.

"You look like a clichèd version of a female actress on a teenage drama." Niall commented sitting on the edge of the couch.

"That's basically my life right now to be honest." I replied, bitterly.

He turned to look at me seriously, "That doesn't suit you, at least not to the Sophia I've come to know."

"I'm trying, Niall. It's just that everything around me just seemed to crumble down. Matt's officially gone from my life, probably, you guys will too eventually and then there's the weird no-" I stopped myself before I could continue.

I was about to tell him about the note I found in my locker. I couldn't let that slip. No. Sophia, get ahold of yourself.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Weird what?"

"Nothing, it's just that everything's turning for the worse."

He sighed and moved my legs so he could sit, "Sophia, Matt is your best guy friend, from what I've seen. He cares way too much to leave you like that, he'll eventually come back, trust me. As for us? We will leave. That I can't deny," he paused for a minute, "but we will never forget the fans that saved our asses, no, we will never forget our friends."

I opened and closed my mouth. Niall has never had such a serious conversation with me and it made me realize that the guys weren't just One Direction. They weren't just an incredibly famous boy band. They were people. Ordinary people with extraordinary talents. These guys that were once my idols are now much more than posters on my walls (which Louis finds creepy because apparently it's uncomfortable seeing himself on someone else's walls). They are my friends.

I put the tub of ice-cream on the table and sat up. "Thanks Niall."

He cracked a grin and swung an arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. "No problem, Soph. Now cheer up will you."

I was about to reply when Liam and the rest of the guys walked in (Chelsea had gone home since her parents wanted to spend some time with her).

"We accidentally heard everything so we all agreed that an outing would help us bring the old Sophia back," Louis said.

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