Happy Birthday Sophia!

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A/N: I was reading some previous chapters and realized how bad and unrealistic it was so for those who have stuck with me since this book started you will see some changes. For those new readers, you're reading the improved version (thank god). I'm still editing some chapters so...that's why I haven't been updating.

Anyways, enough ranting. Here's the long-awaited chapter.



Today was Friday. So I was pretty happy. But that wasn't the whole reason for my great mood it was the fact that tomorrow I'm turning eighteen! Holy crap. This whole week I had made sure to remind everyone about tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I annoyed the guys but whatever. I wanted everyone here tomorrow and yes, that included Matt. He's never missed my birthday and when he did he made sure to text me a long paragraph at exactly midnight about how fabulous I am.

I didn't want that to change.

I got on my aunts car with Chelsea and everyone cramped inside. Matt still hasn't talked to any of us, so that meant no ride from him.

"So what are you planning for tomorrow?" Chelsea asked.

I shook my head and shrugged, "I'm not sure. Something simple, I guess. Pizza, cake and ice cream?"

She nodded, "Sounds good to me. You're turning pretty old, I mean you're not even asking for much!"

"Well my mom can't pay for something big and I'm not about to act like a brat."

Louis chuckled, "Looks like age does affect the brain."

"Hey! Tomorrow's my birthday, you should treat me nicely."

Harry scoffed, "I thought you said you weren't going to act like a brat?"

I glared at him, "You know, what?"


"Forget you."


I kept glancing behind me at Matt. He hasn't mentioned or said anything to me and it bothered me! I mean that's the least I deserve, right?

A happy early birthday!

Ugh. I don't even know why it's bothering me.

I turned back around to face the front of the class and continued listening about our new reading assignment.

"Psst Sophia."

"What?" I whispered back.

"Happy early birthday."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, "You already told me that five times already, Niall."

"Did I?"

I nodded, "Yes. You're doing it on purpose!"

"Am I?"

I shoved him a little when the teacher wasn't looking, "You're an idiot. But thank you."

He smiled, "You're welcome."

The bell suddenly rang and it was time for lunch! I packed my things and quickly left the classroom. I left Niall behind but in my defense the lunch lines get pretty long. It's a first come, first serve. I was so busy pushing and shoving that I didn't notice the person in front of me and collided head first into none other than Matt.

Before I could fall he grabbed me by the arm and looked me straight in the eye, making me feel really uncomfortable, "Be careful."

I was about to say something when another voice joined in, "Hey babe."

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