You Idiots are so Dead!

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Girls were screaming everywhere. The guys were singing their last song and the audience still had enough energy to jump and cheer (including us). Simon was nice enough to let us stand backstage so we got a closer view of the boys. I was a happy girl, that's for sure! I stared at Zayn. He had such a nice voice...

And is hot, extremely hot.

I glanced at Chelsea and saw that she was practically drooling over Harry.

She squealed, "Sophia! Harry is so sexy, it's killing me!"

I laughed and patted her back, "It's okay, Chelsea. It's okay."

"What about you? I just saw you ogling Zayn like five seconds ago!" she accused.

I felt my face grow warm, "W-What?! No, I wasn't!" I defended even if it was true.

"Just admit it you were looking at him!"

"N-No, I wasn't! Okay maybe a little..."

"Aww. Sophia has a crush, so you do like him." I knew it wasn't a question it was a plain and simple fact.

"Like who?" Both Chelsea and I turned our heads to find Matt standing there with a water bottle in his hand.

My eyes widened and I looked around nervously, "No one!" I answered, quickly.

He raised an eyebrow, "You're lying."

I started fidgeting, "I'm not!"

He walked closer until he was right in front me, "Tell me." I shot Chelsea a pleading look but she just shrugged.

I glared at her and looked at Matt again. He had a serious expression on his face and it was making me nervous.

"It's nothing Matt really," I assured him, biting my lip nervously.

"Sophia tell me the truth," he demanded, "Who do you like?"


"So, you are the famous Sophia Castro and Chelsea Wilson! You girls are quite the lookers!" A feminine voice suddenly interrupted. All of us whirled around to find a woman in her late thirties walking up to us. She was beautiful with long black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Thank you. Uh, I'm Sophia Castro nice to meet you."

Chelsea walked up to my side, "I'm Chelsea Wilson."

She smiled, "I'm Silvia Rowan. Simon's boss," she took notice of Matt and looked him up and down, "and who might this handsome young man be? Is he your boyfriend?" She asked, looking at Matt who was standing pretty close to me.

I waved my hands frantically, "No! He's our friend! He just came here because of us."

"He's quite handsome."

Matt smirked and extended his hand, "I'm Matt Williams. Pleasure meeting you."

Silvia smiled, "The pleasure is all mine," she turned to look at Chelsea and I, "Anyways, I wanted to meet the boys' saviors personally and thank you for what you did. You have no idea how hard it is to even walk to the gas station. Girls flock them everywhere and anywhere," she sighed, "but thankfully you angels appeared I have no idea how I can thank you girls enough."

I smiled, "It's fine really. We're huge fans of them! If anything I'm glad we got to help them out. "

Chelsea nodded, "Yeah, it was no big deal."

"Well, I better get going there's a lot of work to do. I hope to see you girls soon," she waved a hand and left the room. Once she was out of sight I smacked Matt on the head.

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