Say What?!

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I sighed, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually going to miss those girls. It's not because they saved our sorry asses but something about them...

Why them? Of all people? More importantly, we met twice, can it really just be a coincidence?

"Well that was one hell of a day," Louis exclaimed.

Niall nodded, "You can say that again."

I looked out the window thoughtfully, "Don't you find it weird how we met them twice. When there's millions of girls out there and it just so happened to be them, specifically?" I voiced my thoughts out loud.

"It was pure coincidence," Zayn stated.

I nodded hesitantly, "You're probably, right." I glanced at Janessa who was quietly watching us, "Janessa, where exactly do you live?" I asked, she glanced at me nervously and smiled.

"It's not that far just a couple of blocks from the park." I nodded, and leaned against my seat.



I watched as Sophia devoured her tacos. She ate four already and was going for the fifth one.

You see the thing with Sophia is that she doesn't care if she gets fat. She went through a phase during freshman where she was a bit chunky and suddenly puberty hit and she got taller and hotter.

...but she still acts like a five year old.

"You're a pig. No wonder you're single."

Sophia stopped eating and glared at him. "Not everyone is like you, Matt." Oh yeah. Did I mention that we were all alone? Sophia's mom and auntie left us with our dear responsible babysitter, Matt.

All hell is going to break loose.

He smirked, "Handsome and charming?"

"Ew, no."

I shook my head those two will never change. I left them bickering in the kitchen and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV.

I skimmed through the channels and stopped when I saw something all too familiar.

"It seems like One Direction was caught walking out of the ladies bathroom, followed by two blonde girls. Who are these mysterious girls? And what were they doing inside the restroom with one of the hottest boy bands?" I let out a loud shriek when I saw Sophia and I on TV.


As soon as I called her she came running to the living room with Matt by her side. "What?! Are you okay?"

She bombarded me with questions and all I could do was just point at the screen. She turned to look at what I was pointing at and smiled, "Hey look I'm on TV!"




"Holy crap, what the hell am I doing on TV!?" she exclaimed. Matt grunted in response.

"How come I'm not on TV?"

She didn't even bother answering Matt, "We're famous?!"

"We're famous for the wrong reasons Sophia! Do you know what this means?!"

She gave me a confused look, "What?"

"It means that now people will hate us! Plus, they're implying that we were doing dirty things with One Direction! Think about it Soph. Two girls and five attractive guys - in only their boxers - in the girls bathroom? That only leads to one thing..." I trailed off letting it sink in.

"Oh my god!" Her eyes went completely wide. I nodded and she slumped herself on the couch.

"On the bright side our faces don't show, only our hair! But it's still a little risky!" I added.

Sophia bit her lip, "Do you think they'll recognize us if we go out?"

"I hope not."



We were waiting for Simon in the Conference Room. David said he wanted to talk to us about something important. Last time he gathered us in the Conference Room was to give us 'the talk.'

'If you have girlfriends, use protection. Can't have One Direction and a baby.'

At least that's what Simon had told us.

"What if he gives us 'the talk' again?" I asked.

Louis stopped texting and looked up, "I had a private one with him about Eleanor. It was terrible."

I raised an eyebrow, "What was it about?"

"Let's just say that it was pretty detailed."

We heard someone clear their voice, "It's nice to know you talk about me behind my back." We all turned to find Simon standing there with both his eyebrows raised.

"I was just warning Niall not to get a girlfriend," Louis said.

"You never said that."

"Anyways, I want all of you to sit down. We have serious matters to discuss."

I sat down, "What is it?"

"Lately, we have been receiving many death threats through Twitter and many other forms of communication. I've tried blocking them, but one in particular got me really worried." He opened the folder that he was carrying and took out a piece of paper. I gave him a confused look and we all leaned in closer to see what it was.

"This is the most recent one, we got it when you guys were trampled by those girls at the mall, which is why I sent David and Gabe for you guys." I peered at the paper and started reading.

I've been watching you all. I know where you live. I know what you do, where you are, what time it is, and who you are with. I'd watch my back if I were you, cause if you don't you might just find your pretty little selves dead.

P.S. Don't even bother contacting the police. I have my ways and trust me you surely don't want to taste my patience now do you? Don't want your little blonde friends to suffer the consequences.

My eyes widened, "W-What?! Someone wants us dead?!"

Harry clenched his fists, "That bastard knows about Sophia and Chelsea too, they're in danger because of us!"

Simon nodded solemnly, "The good thing is that he or she doesn't seem to know where they live, which means they are safe."

Zayn who was staring at the ground in deep thought, looked up at Simon. "So, what are we going to do now?"

"Well, I have been thinking about it and maybe you guys need a break. Your safety comes first and not until we figure out who the hell that person is, we can't let you out so carelessly. So I came up with a plan." All eyes were on him and he smirked a bit, "You will pose as regular teenage boys and go to a normal public highschool."


Simon raised a hand, "I'm not finished, Liam. You will live with Sophia and her mother and pretend to be her step cousins until the current situation is resolved, understood? I will find a way to get all of you fake IDs and you will all change your physical appearance."

My jaw literally dropped, "Say what?!"

Harry's eyes widened, "You're kidding?"

"So, I won't be able to see Eleanor for a while?"

"...or Danielle, they'll also be at risk!"

Zayn shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh, "Damn it."



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