Truth Brings Heartache

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Matt glared at me, "I'm asking you a question Sophia. Why the hell did you give me this?"

I stared at the present I got him, it was a Barbie doll, one of those ghetto ones that break easily. The other one was nothing unusual, it was a pair of underwear that said, "I <3 boys."

"It's a present duh." I stated simply, chuckling to myself.

"No shit," he growled, "I'm asking why you gave me this? Of all things?"

"Because I only had five dollars on me...hey you have to admit it's a unique present! I was being original!"

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, "But why... the Barbie doll?"

"Because it's blonde like me, so everytime you decide to sleep with a girl just look at the doll and think of what I would do to you!" I explained shrugging, I looked at everyone else they had been silent watching the exchange between Matt and I.

"Sophia, you should really think before you speak. People can misinterpret what you say," he muttered.

I tilted my head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"Anyways," Chelsea interrupted, "Let's play a game!"

"No! Your games are weird, I'm out!" I sat down on the couch with my arms crossed.

Niall made a face, "Oi c'mon it'll be fun!"


"Sophia it can't be that bad lets do it." Louis said, also agreeing with Niall.

"I agree with Sophia, Chelsea is just as creepy as her when it comes to games - if not worse, so I'm out too." Matt came to sit next to me, the jerk just insulted me but I let it pass he was on my side after all!

"Ha-ha yeah I wasn't asking you, you see, you're playing whether you like it or not. Okay? Okay glad you understand." I turned to look at Matt and gulped, he just shook his head and sighed.

"Ugh..." I stood up and started following Chelsea to the living room.

I just hope that I can survive this one.


"Alright, the game we are playing is going to be Truth or Dare but with a twist of my own," she explained smiling wickedly. Well at least to me it was wicked, there's nobody out there who can tell me otherwise.

"What exactly is this," Matt lifted his fingers to quote, "twist?"

She did that creepy smile again, "Oh, you'll see soon Matt, real soon."

"Stop sounding like that creepy witch from Enchanted. It's creeping all of us out," I scooted myself farther away from her and sat myself next to Niall.

"Actually," Harry spoke up, "the only one creeped out here is you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Thanks pal, anything else you want to add to that?"

"Alright! So who's first?" Chelsea asked.

I looked around the room and saw Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry raising their hands. Zayn, Matt and I decided to play it on the safe side.

Louis pointed at himself, "Pick me. I'm better than these losers."

"Who would fight for that?" I dead-panned

Zayn shook his head, "Only them."

"They're idiots." Matt leaned against the wall, with only one leg stretched out on the floor and the other one perched up, supporting his arm.

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