Welcome to Hell

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Today was the day! The day I dreaded the most...school.

I woke up grumbling and brushed my teeth. Chelsea and Matt didn't stay over this time. I don't know if I should thank them or hate them? I couldn't sleep at all. I got out of my room and saw my aunt making breakfast. The guys were already seated and eating their bacon.

"Morning..." I mumbled tiredly.

"G'morning!" My aunt replied cheerfully, "Breakfast is ready!"

I sat down next to Louis who was texting under the table.

"Louis, we all know you're texting so why hide it?" Harry commented from beside him.

"Because it's bad manners, Harry."

Harry sighed, "It's also bad manners to text under the table."

Louis looked up at him, "I'm the oldest remember? That means that doesn't apply to me."

Niall finished chewing and gulped, "It's weird going to highschool again. It feels like ages ago when we would go to class and eat cafeteria food."

Liam frowned, "I feel old..."

I remained silent. I was too tired to start a conversation.

"Why haven't you changed, Sophia?" Harry asked from across me. I yawned and looked at all of them. That's when I realized that they were all changed and ready, I was the only one still in my PJ's and with my hair sticking out from everywhere.

"It's late, isn't it?"

They all nodded. I checked the kitchen clock and it read 6:57. I only had thirty minutes to get ready and do my hair.

I stole a piece of bacon from Niall and ran upstairs. "Hey," he called out indignantly.

I ran upstairs, ignoring him. I grabbed the outfit I prepared last night which consisted of an off the shoulder black shirt with light washed jeans. Pretty simple if you ask me. I packed my stuff and put on some converse before running back downstairs where Matt, Chelsea, and the rest were all waiting.

"You look hot!" Chelsea said giving me a thumbs up.

"Thanks," I mumbled tiredly, "You look much better though."

She smiled knowingly, "I know I do."

"I take back my compliment."

Matt stood up, "Took you long enough." He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. He always claimed that black looked good on him.

That's his conceited-ness speaking. The truth is-- he looks the same either way.


We arrived to school and all got out of the car. Everyone stopped and stared literally they were staring at all of us. And by 'all of us' I mean Matt and the guys. Matt was already popular to begin with, and well, the guys were incredibly good looking so that wasn't helping.

"Psst Soph, is it just me or are people staring?" Chelsea asked, from beside me.

"It's not just you," I said.

We walked inside and I tried not to feel self-conscious. There were some pretty attractive girls glaring at us and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable. Honestly, I blame it all on Matt, why'd he have to be a womanizer?

"Matt! 'Sup man? Long time no see!" Bryan, a friend of Matt's greeted. He was an okay guy. A bit pervy but at least he wasn't a jerk, like Charlie. Speaking of the devil, he was headed towards us, right now.

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